MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

The Stream Team: In SWTOR, ‘gotta catch ’em all’ refers to droids

Massively OP's Larry and MJ are still out to learn the secrets of -- and sabotage -- The Shroud, but their real focus is...

EVE Online’s Depths of the Abyss is live as CCP updates policies and World War Bee 2 endures

EVE Online has lots going on this week, from patches to policies to drama. Let's dig in: First, this week's patch, Depths of the...
Skeleton bows.

Old School RuneScape introduces more Poll 72 changes and tries to open the discussion on Revenant Caves

It's another week of updates for Old School RuneScape and another gaggle of included adjustments based on Poll 72's results. That all might sound...

TERA on console makes a wide swath of adjustments to awakened class skills and maps out the rest of 2020

Players of TERA on console that have an awakened class are going to want to pay attention to the latest update's patch notes because...
Hang on, I'm reading.

City of Heroes Homecoming emphasizes player-created content, bars ‘controversial political content’

City of Heroes' most popular rogue server, Homecoming, is a fount of player activity these days, and the dev team wants to make sure...

Whatever happened to the Final Fantasy XI mobile remake?

Do you remember ages ago, when Final Fantasy XI first announced that it was scaling back to a maintenance mode and a new mobile remake...

Torchlight III finally releases its ‘update for dummies’

After a couple of delays, Torchlight III's latest patch is finally here. It's an "update for dummies," as Echtra is calling it. Please don't...
You were hoping for a picture of Tgek'dmal, I know.

Wikipedia is now an MMO (according to Wikipedia itself)

Anything online with a community can be considered an MMO if you play it correctly. That might sound like a joke (due to it...
Here we go with this nonsense again.

TitanReach starts its Kickstarter with a target goal of $430,000

You may recall a while back when we highlighted Titan Reach as a game that you might not have heard of before. The game's Kickstarter...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert Mobile is not just a mobile copy of Black Desert

Last week, I taught my freshman classes basic email etiquette. In a time of distance learning, it's an important skill to teach. We looked...

Perfect Ten: 10 amazing hidden quests in World of Warcraft

Finding quests in World of Warcraft is not exactly what you would call "difficult," as the game famously stuck giant floating exclamation marks over...

Black Desert fights Hadum’s influence on mobile, adds Awakening and Succession for Hashashin on PC, and brings PvP changes on console

An alternate headline for this story could just as easily been "Everything Black Desert got content," but I think Bree would dislike me if...

Crowfall just picked up former SWG comms director Diane ‘Tiggs’ Migliaccio as its new community manager

There's a fresh face over at Crowfall, though it's one long-time MMORPG veterans will remember: Crowfall has picked up a new community manager, Diane...
Nah, you're gonna make it, buddy!

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands prepatch is up now on the game’s background downloader

If you are one of the many, many people who were ready for World of Warcraft's current expansion to be over and done with on...

PAX Online 2020: Pantheon, Ashes of Creation, Amazon, and Crowfall devs on the future of online games

What could online gaming look like going forward? That was the overall topic discussed by a number of devs as part of in a...

Lord of the Rings Online says it’s ‘close’ on re-opening server transfers that have been offline since 2019

For players who have characters stranded on dead or undesirable worlds in Lord of the Rings Online, the question of when Standing Stone Games...

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite MMO for pure grinding?

I have a few MMOs that I go to when I want traditional questing or dungeon hopping, but when I'm in the mood for...

Skyforge will be removing Might from equipment and the Stronghold in its next update

Things are about to change quite a bit for players of Skyforge with the arrival of the game's next Invasion. Namely, the forthcoming update...
Another postcard, with... yaks.

RuneScape’s latest patch offers an exciting trailer of bug fixes

A video! A trailer! Thrill to the excitement of RuneScape... fixing bugs! Yes, the latest update for the game is mostly about bug fixes, but...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 288: ArcheAge again

Justin, Bree, and Mia discuss ArcheAge 2, TERA, LOTRO, Wizard101, Corepunk, Raph Koster's new MMO, and Star Citizen, with adventures in WoW Classic, SWTOR, Black Desert, Echo of Soul, SWG Legends, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag discussion on the Final Fantasy XI mobile remake.