MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

Past Fate’s Kickstarter run was successful, just making its $25,000 goal

This past month, we've been keeping an eye on a little fantasy MMORPG called Past Fate that's been waging a crowdfunding campaign to help...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most annoying ‘dark pattern’ in MMO gaming?

I've been kind of obsessed with dark patterns - that is, intentionally deceptive or annoying interface design - for kind of a while now,...

Neverwinter’s roadmap promises new stories, system refinements, and a faster path to epic levels

The devs of Neverwinter have peered deep and hard into their crystal ball and they see... they see... they see a content roadmap. Yes,...

The MOP Up: EVE Echoes racks up one million players

It looks like CCP's newest mobile game is already a smash hit. According to the studio, EVE Echoes has already crossed one million players...
what wait what

Jukebox Heroes: Great tunes from Destiny’s first soundtrack

Is there any MMO soundtrack that arrived with such incredible expectations and baggage as Destiny? If so, I can't recall it. We have not...

RuneScape introduces the Alchemical Hydrix gem, OSRS seeks feedback for its Trailblazer League

The staff at MOP were very kind to leave me the duty of handling the Jagex bundle of news updates as a welcome back...

One Shots: Today’s forecast is foggy with a light chance of dragons

The other day I was at the zoo watching a Siberian Tiger stalk around its exhibit, and I was thinking, "If I encountered that...
Sorry, guys.

The Daily Grind: Are there any languishing MMOs you’re still hopeful will recover?

You know, I was pretty down with the long wait for Final Fantasy XIV's most recent patch, but I have nothing on Secret World...

Battle Bards Episode 175: Prehistoric jams

Having perfected their musical time machine, the Battle Bards leap back to the past to enjoy the soundscapes of dinosaurs and other prehistoric denizens....

WoW Classic de-layers servers, causing queues to return

World of Warcraft Classic is one big happy family again -- but maybe not quite that happy. Following a decision to re-implement layering tech this...

The Game Archaeologist: Flagship’s Mythos

Whenever the topic of Flagship Studios comes up, usually it's in conjunction with Hellgate: London. And while Hellgate certainly was a huge and ultimately...

Ashes of Creation will now self-publish in EU/CIS regions, says its split with My.Games was amicable

Yesterday, Intrepid Studios announced that it would be breaking from its partnership with My.Games and will take over publishing duties for in-development MMORPG Ashes...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has benefited the most from cross-promotion?

One of the great advantages of making an MMO in an established IP is that there are all sorts of opportunities to draw in...

Betawatch: New World has a new client for a new beta

There's a beta event going down next week in New World, don't you know, and it's coming with a new shiny client. Can you...

MMORTS Starborne’s first beta dev blog enters the Dead Zone

Starborne may well be a rising star in the MMORTS genre, causing at least one of our number here at Massively OP to become...

Take on the evil plant queen Alice in Grand Fantasia’s August update

Gamigo has a slew of MMOs that don't get a lot of attention, especially since the Trion takeover, and one of those is the...

MapleStory previews its Astral Blessings event, winds down Burning World

MapleStory fans must be relieved to know that even after the closure of MapleStory 2, the franchise is still making money for Nexon hand...

The Stream Team: Vanquishing the Voidrakar assaulting AQ3D’s DragonWatch Village

So much has happened in AQ3D in the short time Massively OP's MJ has been away from her computer. And while she's not about...

Champions Online invites you to kill bugs with fire (or frost, lightning, or plasma)

Bugs! Spiders! Creepy crawlies! If these pests invade your home, you have our full permission to exterminate with extreme prejudice. And if giant-sized versions...

Star Citizen video and AMA discuss environmental art, rocks, and throwing all the things

Star Citizen's been back in the headlines this week for all the wrong reasons - weird Squadron 42 communication mishaps, pixelships, and huge piles...