
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Cryptocurrency-monetized sandbox MMO Ember Sword gets $700K in funding, opens pre-registration

Anyone here remember Ember Sword? It's an upcoming sandbox MMORPG that touts a number of the usual features like PvE and PvP and one...

Star Citizen just canceled this year’s CitizenCon 2950 thanks to the pandemic

Add Star Citizen's CitizenCon 2950 to the growing pile of major MMO and gaming events that have been dislodged from the calendar this year...

EVE Online looks back at the death of the first Titan and elaborates on the benefit of in-game loss

Things get blown up in EVE Online. Whether it's part of a massive war or just some player getting tackled and spaced for flying...

Star Citizen puts an end to surprise sandwiches, shows off comm calls in Squadron 42

Star Citizen released its alpha 3.9 this week, and with it came a rather interesting bug: Whenever someone would quick-buy a food item, anyone...

Conan Exiles shows off follower changes and Architect of Argos items in a livestream

A recent livestream from Conan Exiles had a lot of things to show off for fans of the survival sandbox, with some looks ahead...

Mark Jacobs says Camelot Unchained’s 90-day plan is still on track

Camelot Unchained's latest newsletter has arrived, and the key component homes right in on battlegrounds. "While we’ve had scenarios in Camelot Unchained before to...
Sorry, wait, were we not pointing this one out yet?

Ashes of Creation shows off alpha gameplay, takes a stance against DPS meters

With an alpha test coming this month and another one on tap for this fall, Ashes of Creation is grinding slowly toward the full-fledged...

Elite Dangerous is delaying its Next Era content into 2021

Still having fun in the fleet carriers beta for Elite Dangerous? Well, get comfy, because while that's already suffered one delay and is still...

GDC Summer, Dota 2’s The International, and Fortnite’s World Cup suffer fresh setbacks thanks to the pandemic

More bad news for gaming convention-goers and esports fans: Everything is canceled. OK, not everything, but a lot. And not canceled, but postponed or...

Fallout 76 procrastinates on text chat, promises looking for group system

While it's fun to go solo through the wasteland in Fallout 76, sometimes it feels a little too isolated and lonely -- especially for...

Old School RuneScape brings the last of its Poll 70 updates and Bounty Hunter changes

Over the past several weeks, Old School RuneScape has been making several updates as voted on by players in Poll 70. This week, the...

DayZ developer shuts down its Bratislava studio, affirms it won’t affect development

Bohemia Interactive, the development studio behind DayZ, has officially announced on Twitter that its Bratislava, Slovakia, studio is being shut down. The decision is...

COVID-19 roundup: Rockstar and Jagex help save the UK’s National Videogame Museum and more

COVID-19 is still very much a thing in most of our staff's and readers' lives, and it's still very much impacting the games industry. A...
Always something new to adventure.

Trove drops new trailer for Delves update, launching this spring

Last month, Gamigo took the wraps off of Trove next content patch, called Delves, which features content called - you guessed it - delves....
I was never really here.

Former World of Warcraft developer Ghostcrawler weighs in on Mike Morhaime’s ‘social glue’ discussion

So you remember Mike Morhaime's kind of nonsensical comments that treated "social" as the equivalent to "forced grouping" from a couple days ago, yes?...

Bless Unleashed’s spring update adds two new dungeons, reward changes, and much more

Bless Unleashed is still trucking along over on Xbox One - indeed, today is patch day as the spring update is live for console...
It tracks.

Amazon says New World’s territorial sieges represent a ‘social dynamism that no other game has’

Amazon Game Studios may have delayed New World and changed its PvP up dramatically, but it's apparently going to keep on pumping out preview...

Guild Wars 2’s next living story episode, No Quarter, will launch without voice acting thanks to the pandemic

While business is booming for online games during this pandemic-related quarantine, story-centric MMORPGs seem to be having trouble getting specific types of work done...

Legends of Runeterra officially releases with a new set and talks about randomness in CCGs

Today is the day for Riot Games' League of Legends digital CCG to officially exit beta as Legends of Runeterra has officially released, bringing...
Who taught you math?!

World of Warcraft offers better eye glows and new ray-traced shadows in Shadowlands

If there are two things that are going to define World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, it will be shadows and glowing eyes. Lots of people...