
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Pantheon shares its progress for May, promises to be close to its next round of pre-alpha testing

The developers of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen are pretty excited about their progress so far. More specifically, producer Benjamin Dean is, as evidenced...

Tamriel Infinium: Getting ready for Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor chapter

Are you ready for Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor chapter release next week? I mean, are you really ready? Here at Massively OP, we’ve got...

EVE Online’s Invasion Chapter 3 promises ‘deep and lasting effects’ for the game

The Triglavian invasion of EVE Online is about to come to a head and is set to make shockwaves across all of New Eden....

Lord of the Rings Online starts testing its limited-time PvP server

This might go down as one of the strangest experiments that Lord of the Rings Online has ever fielded. Coming soon to the game...

Wurm Online shows off its graphical overhaul work

Things in Wurm Online are getting a whole lot prettier soon. The devs have posted a variety of looks at the sandbox's graphical overhaul....

Albion Online’s newest patch balances for Season 9 while improving mobile play

There are two sides to the most recent Albion Online patch, and they're both about improving the game's environment. One side is fairly simple, because...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends celebrates 40 years of Empire Strikes Back with new PvE and PvP content

It's patch week over in the Star Wars Galaxies rogue server known as SWG Legends, and if you're a PvP player or endgame PvE...
Everything is fine! No, really, this time we mean it!

Fallout 76 clarifies that seasons will be free, with some potential Fallout 1st bonuses in the future

If there's one thing that Fallout 76 does remarkably well, it's making people angry about the way the game is monetized, all the way back...

Black Desert just patched in a full-fledged music composition system for the Shai

Remember when the Shai launched in Black Desert's PC version last year, and everyone was enthralled with her instrument-wielding bard-like skills? Well, this week...
Everyone disliked that.

Blizzard continues to roll out improvements to Warcraft III: Reforged’s matchmaking

Are you one of the many, many people who doesn't really care much about proving your mettle in competitive matches of Warcraft III: Reforged...

RuneScape starts Mental Health Awareness Week and recaps the past 12 months of content in a video

This week in RuneScape is a very special one. It's Mental Health Awareness Week, and the world of Gielinor has some of Jagex's mental...

The Crew 2 previews the joy of collections with the upcoming Hobbies update

Do you like to have a fine collection of valuable automobiles in The Crew 2? The game's next major updates is all about hobbies, hence...

Neverwinter is planning a patch to address issues with the Rage of Bel meter on PC

Bel is very angry in Neverwinter. How angry? Well... that's kind of the problem. It turns out that the whole thing has had some cascading...

Guild Wars 2 on the storytelling philosophy of next week’s No Quarter episode

ArenaNet's Novera King has emerged to pen Guild Wars 2's latest dev blog - no surprise since it's about storytelling and she's one of...

Project Gorgon’s next update, ‘a couple weeks away,’ will let you breed your pets

Leave it to Project Gorgon not to stop at merely allowing players to own pets but to breed them as well. The indie MMORPG...

Fallout 76 patches in ally customization, treasure hunting content, and piles of bug fixes

It's patch day in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Fallout 76, and while yes the update has a whole bunch of marquee features we'll talk...

Path of Exile is trying its darndest to get a content update out in June

Usually here at Massively OP we tend to mock announcements about announcements, but in the case of Path of Exile, we are willing to...

EverQuest begins server merges, EverQuest II tweaks challenge raids in latest updates

It's update time for both EverQuest and EverQuest II! Both games are undergoing maintenance this morning in order to apply updates and merge servers...

WoW Classic player mimics South Park by grinding to 60 on boars alone

South Park's 2006 episode featuring the boys getting obsessed with World of Warcraft has attained legendary status in the MMORPG community, so it was...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI wishes its players well for its anniversary and looks to events and story soon

Saturday marked the 18-year anniversary of Final Fantasy XI from its original release in Japan, and that's a pretty big milestone. Unfortunately, it didn't...