
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

That's not good, no.

Anthem takes us to a ‘sunken’ city and allows gear changes mid-mission in today’s update 1.1.0

Some people have wondered how Anthem's storyline would continue and when we would actually see an update to it. The long answer is complicated,...

Today’s Fallout 76 Wild Appalachia Patch 8.5 introduces a camera, repair kits, and new complaints from fans

In its on-going rollout of Wild Appalachia, Fallout 76 brings update 8.5 to players, which features the ProSnap Deluxe Camera, basic and improved repair...

Guild Wars 2 just dropped its massive balance patch and War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition

Happy patch day, Guild Wars 2 players. As promised, ArenaNet has implemented a wide-ranging balancing update for multiple professions and elite professions. Definitely read...

Neverwinter has officially launched the Undermountain expansion for PC players

It's expansion day for Perfect World's Neverwinter! At least if you're on PC, that is; console players will be waiting until June 11th for...

Closers’ new cryomancer class Bai makes her formal hello today

MOP's Chris already made the best hello Bai headline of all time, leaving us just the good news itself: Bai Winchester is live in...

Heroes of the Storm is picking up another famous WoW character: Anduin Wrynn

The rumors were true: Anduin Wrynn is on his way to Heroes of the Storm, yet another Warcraft icon to make that journey. In the...
Are you a door or not?!

Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.57 brings the world visit to the data centers

As players are visiting another shard in the next Final Fantasy XIV, it seems only fitting that players can now visit other servers with the...

LOTRO kicks off its 12-year anniversary with gifts, Burglar overhaul

Happy Hobbity birthday wishes to Lord of the Rings Online, which turns 12 years old this week! The Middle-earth MMO released in 2007, taking...

Neverwinter is making a loony old guy dance in tomorrow’s Undermountain expansion

In anticipation of the Undermountain expansion launch, Neverwinter took us on a trip behind the scenes on how it made one of the premier...

Torchlight’s alpha patch tomorrow is gonna be off the rails

Furbish up your Arc clients, folks: Torchlight Frontiers' alpha is gearing up for a big patch tomorrow, the star of which is surely the...
Well, we got something right!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood in review – side stories, part one

Those of you who don't remember the last time I did this particular column series (which is understandable, it was two years ago) should...
Also, kind of Blue Mage, but that's not happening so stop asking.

Final Fantasy XIV invites you to test out the World Visit system by fighting a unicorn

When players log back in to Final Fantasy XIV tomorrow, it'll be after all of the data center expansions have occurred, but it'll also be...

Sandbox MMORPG Oath’s Kickstarter has passed its core crowdfunding goal

Back at the beginning of April - which incidentally seems like a thousand years ago now, but nope - we learned about a brand-new...

Ultima Online’s upcoming Forgotten Treasures is a dramatic treasure hunting overhaul

Broadsword's been on a tear in 2019 with Ultima Online updates. Back in January, it announced that it'd be rolling out high seas content,...

The MOP Up: Population Zero throws a fashion show

You know how people advise you to "dress in layers" during inclement weather? And you think, "If I'm wearing pants, I'm doing well here,...

Star Trek Online will let you level with a T6 ship ‘very soon’

Considering how quickly you can level up in Star Trek Online these days (thanks, duty officers!), transferring to new ships every 10 levels has...

Ship of Heroes says it’s gonna have the ‘best UI in the galaxy’

While the superhero MMO community is buzzing about City of Heroes, serious work on its legal and modern spiritual successors continues, including Ship of...
Load it up.

APB Reloaded updates players on the state of the engine upgrade, bans, and content updates

The engine upgrade for APB Reloaded is still coming, but the most recent update on the state of the game addresses why the next...

Fractured’s second Alpha 1 test brings more housing, a new biome, and spiders this June

By all accounts, the first Alpha 1 test for Fractured was a solid success, barring minor annoyances and login issues. So now it's full...

Atlas shuts down the Empire server in favor of an NA PvE server and announces Easter plans

Hot on the heels of update 1.5 to Atlas comes this week's Captains Log dev blog, which provides word of the Empire PvP server's...