
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Hades’ Star, Cabal Mobile, Redstone, and Curse of Aros

Welcome back to another roundup of weirdo little MMOs and online games you've never heard of but probably should hear of! That's why we're...
Sure, this is above the ground, but you get the general idea, right?

Riders of Icarus patches in a new dungeon and related content

You know who's a total jerk in Riders of Icarus? Hadakhan, probably. The guy has a whole underground labyrinth! How many underground labyrinths do you...

Warframe just launched episode one of The Wolf of Saturn Six – on ALL the platforms

You know that annoying thing where MMOs get a content update on PC, but then the console launch is like a month later, but...
A straight line.

Lineage II Classic releases the patch notes for the Saviors update

It's time for Lineage II Classic players to be saviors because... well, the Savior update has arrived. And everyone with a character over level 20...

World of Warships brings British boats to bear

The British Navy just got an expansion in World of Warships today with the introduction of several aircraft carriers, adding to the vehicular combat...
Let bygones be bygones.

Latest World of Warcraft PvP balance adjustment targets Restoration Druids

Some more PvP tuning adjustments have been made in World of Warcraft, but this time around, it's a laser-guided nerf targeting the Druid class....

Black Desert turns three years old in the west as its battle royale mode leaves early access

Can you believe Black Desert is creeping up on three years since its launch here in the west? It's true! Naturally Kakao is pulling...

Blizzard deep-dives Overwatch’s new hero Baptiste as he enters public testing

Earlier this week, Blizzard unveiled Overwatch's 30th hero, the Haitian combat medic Baptiste who after being orphaned in the Omnic Crisis joined up with...

Dungeons and Dragons Online names its fourth expansion: Masterminds of Sharn

For a game that's been out for 13 years, DDO has only gotten into the expansion race relatively recently. In fact, this spring's expansion...

Experience Anarchy Online from the beginning with its upcoming fresh start server

Last December, Funcom made some waves in the Anarchy Online community with a seemingly out-of-nowhere Facebook poll asking fans if there were any interest...
I demand more skills for this.

EVE Online shifts its skill system to provide skills on demand

There's a persistent issue with the skill system in EVE Online insofar as the system requires buying skills off the market in order to train...

Red Dead Online’s latest update adds daily challenges, new events, and more

The first major batch of updates has come to the Red Dead Online beta, bringing with it new gameplay features, weapons, clothing, and more....

LOTRO producer sheds light on expansion details, virtue changes, and legendary items

Turns out that the next Lord of the Rings Online expansion is Minas Morgul after all. Players looking for clarification after reading last week's producer's...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Wrathstone DLC and Update 21 are officially live

Hey, dragon fans: The Season of the Dragon in Elder Scrolls Online has officially begun today with the formal release of the Wrathstone DLC...

The Battle of Polytopia is getting crossplatform multiplayer, finally giving us a proper excuse to cover it

The Battle of Polytopia is one of my absolute favorite games period, not just on mobile, and apparently it's rather well-loved around our office,...

Bold New World update brings new biomes and graphical enhancements to The Imperial Realm

Open world MMORTS The Imperial Realm has gotten a fresh splash of pretty paint with its Bold New World update. The recent patch has...
oh nooooo

H1Z1 patches in quick fixes for its mammoth Season 3 update on PlayStation 4

Adding a whole lot of stuff to a game in a patch can also break things. It's not intentional, but it's inevitable. H1Z1 had...

Warframe explains the end of Alerts and changes to melee

Times are a'changing in Warframe in some pretty significant ways once again. New dev updates on the game forums have provided some more insight...

RuneScape launches its third and final Elite Dungeon, the Shadow Reef

All seasoned adventurers in RuneScape are encouraged to dive into the last Elite Dungeon today. This of course means "seasoned" as a synonym for "experienced,"...

Camelot Unchained is full speed ahead constructing its new skill ability builder

There was no player test for Camelot Unchained this past weekend, but that's because Friday's test focused so hard on the ongoing ability builder....