Join Massively OP’s Justin Olivetti and friends every few weeks for “a musical journey through MMO soundscapes in the first and only MMO music podcast on the internet. [The official Battle Bards podcast site]
battle bards
Battle Bards Episode 175: Prehistoric jams
Having perfected their musical time machine, the Battle Bards leap back to the past to enjoy the soundscapes of dinosaurs and other prehistoric denizens....
Battle Bards Episode 174: Dragon Oath
Running from 2007 to 2016, ChangYou’s Dragon Oath is probably one of those MMORPGs you’ve never heard of, nevermind actually played. Yet when Syl...
Battle Bards Episode 173: Down on the farm
Seeking a simpler and more quaint life? Then come on down to the farm with the Battle Bards, as the video game music crew...
Battle Bards Episode 172: Lost Ark
Although Lost Ark is still making its slow journey to the west, the music arrived ahead — on a songbird, of course! It’s a...
Battle Bards Episode 171: Forest Tales 2
Hitch up your shorts, buckle your boots, and step into another deep forest of MMORPG music with the Battle Bards! As diverse as the...
Battle Bards Episode 170: Star Stable
Stop your whinnying and take Star Stable’s soundtrack out for a gallop today! You might discover, as the Battle Bards did, that this horse-themed...
Battle Bards Episode 169: Wild Things
Do you ever walk on the wild side in MMOs? Do you have a penchant for beastly races that aren’t merely reskinned humans? Then...
Battle Bards Episode 168: Big bad boss battles of FFXIV
Final Fantasy XIV fans know full well how Square Enix loves to dote on its huge and often bizarre boss battles — and includes...
Battle Bards Episode 167: Childlike wonder
Tapping into their inner children, the three Battle Bards get into the spirit of name calling, trading stickers, and goofing off in kiddie MMOs....
Battle Bards Episode 166: LEGO Universe
Who knew that interlocking brick systems would result in so many video games — and a pretty good soundtrack? The Battle Bards step on...
Battle Bards Episode 165: LOTRO Composer Bill Champagne
On this Very Special Edition of the Battle Bards, Lord of the Rings Online’s Bill Champagne sat down for an interview to talk about...
Battle Bards Episode 164: Away with the fairies
If you ever walked into a forest glade at the light of the first full moon of the year, you may spy an impish...
Battle Bards Episode 163: EverQuest upgraded
The Battle Bards return to the verdant fields of EverQuest for a look at the updated and remastered soundtrack that came out last year. If you...
Battle Bards Episode 162: Mystery abounds
Do you love a good mystery? A hidden secret? A riddle wrapped in an enigma and presented on a platter of puzzle? Then you’re...
Battle Bards Episode 161: Dragon Quest X
While Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV is enjoying rousing success here in the west, its other MMO — Dragon Quest X — never made...
Battle Bards Episode 160: MMO cover songs vol. 2
For the first time since Episode 50, the Battle Bards crew returns to the theme of cover songs of MMO tracks. Several extremely musicians...
Battle Bards Episode 159: Black Desert revisited
It’s a return to a soundtrack that, over the past couple of years, experienced a lavish remastry. This week, the Battle Bards explore the...
The definitive 2019 Battle Bards episode guide
The most amazing thing about Battle Bards... is that it even exists at all. The world's first, best, and only MMO music podcast picked...
Battle Bards Episode 158: Winter returns
Do you feel a little… frozen this winter season? Winter is something amazing to behold, especially when video game composers attempt to capture its unique magic...
Battle Bards Episode 157: Chronicles of Spellborn
An odd, offbeat, and short-lived MMO, Chronicles of Spellborn hardly registered on most of the gaming community’s consciousness. However, this fantasy title has not...