beta testing

‘Secret’ City of Heroes emulator operators address SCORE leak drama, rebut personal info database rumor

If you've been around the post-sunset City of Heroes community long enough, you've probably heard the rumors that there's a secret City of Heroes...

Free Realms Sunrise devs show off incredible progress in bringing back a sunsetted MMO

Free Realms is dead -- long live Free Realms Sunrise! For the past few years, this emulator project has endeavored to return the beloved family...
Erry week

Betawatch: The Cycle kicks off a weekly playtest cadence

Technical alpha testing for The Cycle has reached a conclusion, and that means that the developers are moving into the next phase of development...

Red Dead Online adds a new Showdown game mode and pretty new clothes

The "beta" for Red Dead Online has seen another new update this week, this time introducing a new mode for Showdown, some snazzy new...

Interview: Astellia deep-dives its dungeon systems and Western tweaks

Incoming buy-to-play MMORPG Astellia has been a whirlwind in 2019 as Nexon and Barunson EA have prepared the game for release in the west:...

Novaquark’s JC Baillie talks about Dual Universe’s vision of the metaverse

Those who play online titles that act like a separate world like Second Life or VRChat are likely familiar with the concept of a...
I'm fine. We're fine. This is fine. Everything's fine like wine.

Betawatch: Ashes of Creation shares notes on nodes

The developers behind Ashes of Creation aren't about to let a little thing like delays prevent them from telling you a bunch of details...

Tamriel Infinium: The power of community in five-year-old Elder Scrolls Online

Given the volatility in today’s video game industry, it’s nice when an MMO is able to celebrate some longevity. Elder Scrolls Online has not...

Red Dead Online is blowing up with its new showdown mode, Up in Smoke

Coming hot off the heels of last month's Spoils of War and Target Race game modes is a brand-new showdown game mode for Red...

Crowdfunding begins for action combat sandbox MMO Oath

Hello from the land of grand promises and positively roiling cynicism that is Kickstarter! Today we're casting a quick spotlight on Oath, an all...

Old School RuneScape’s Deadman Spring Final PvP tourney gets ganked by bugs

The Deadman Spring Finals -- Old School RuneScape's regularly held PvP tournament which pits 2,000 players against one another for a $20k cash prize...

Betawatch: The Elder Scrolls Blades is accessible early on mobile and no you won’t like the business model

Here's the news that has had our staff chat in a tizzy this week: The Elder Scrolls Blades is now in early access on mobile...

The Stream Team: Commemorating another RuneScape anniversary milestone

RuneScape is one of those games that has many anniversary dates. Today marks the 15th anniversary of its official launch as RuneScape 2 (as...

Warframe of Mind: Celebrating six years of Space Ninja history

Happy birthday! Warframe commemorated its sixth anniversary this week (or last week, depending on which date you go by), and that means it's time...

OrbusVR: Reborn is holding an open beta this weekend

Ready to get your feet wet in the big OrbusVR expansion and reboot? OrbusVR: Reborn is heading into an open beta this weekend, so anyone with...

Fallout 76’s Wild Appalachia tweaks PvP damage and launches Survival Mode

The Wild Appalachia update of Fallout 76 has landed, and with it comes a number of changes that will be important to note for...

Saddle up and take aim in Red Dead Online’s new Target Races

Cowladies and cowgentlemen, start your, uhh, horses! The latest activity to hit Red Dead Online's quote-unquote beta is Target Racing, which combines equestrianism, sharpshooting,...

Indie hacking MMO Spycursion admits defeat on Kickstarter, but game development will continue

We've been tracking the Kickstarter for upcoming hacking MMO Spycursion for several weeks now, and it's coming down to its last two days. And...

Fallout 76 is coming to Steam sometime soon

While initial indicators were that Fallout 76 was going to skip over Steam in favor of Bethesda's own digital games platform, time can change...
Let's do the time warp again.

Betawatch: Guardians of Ember enters open beta again for the first time

Hey, neat, Guardians of Ember is in open beta! Wait, didn't that already happen? Well, yes, but that was before Insel Games managed to get...