Massively Overpowered’s Betawatch feature chronicles the adventures and misadventures of MMOs in various stages of testing. You might also be interested in Make My MMO, which focuses on crowdfunded games in particular. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]
Betawatch: Ashes of Creation shows up out of nowhere (December 9, 2016)
Man, how can I not notice this? Out of nowhere we first hear about Ashes of Creation, then we did a little interview asking...
Betawatch: These are the dates of our lives (December 2, 2016)
I never wanted to be writing about betas for a living, you know. I wanted to be a novelist (once I realized that "combination...
Betawatch: The unexpected drama of Project Genom (November 25, 2016)
Sometimes, stories are just so weird that you can't help but find them fascinating. Take the unexpected removal of Project Genom from the Steam...
Betawatch: Cloud Pirates is ready for the next round of testing (November 18, 2016)
Are you ready to steal a whole lot of clouds in Cloud Pirates? (If that's not the fictional background, please don't tell me, I...
Betawatch: Hero’s Song enters early access (November 11, 2016)
The crowdfunding campaigns for Hero's Song might have run short of their goals, but that didn't stop the game from reaching a state of...
Betawatch: Revelation Online lands in closed beta (November 4, 2016)
After a week's delay, Revelation Online has arrived in closed beta. It even has a snazzy trailer to go along with it, which is...
Betawatch: Revelation Online stays unrevealed a little longer (October 28, 2016)
Oh Revelation Online, won't you stay just a little bit longer? Wait, no, you can't stay; you haven't even arrived yet. Your closed beta...
Betawatch: AdventureQuest 3D hits open beta (October 21, 2016)
You don't have to go questing for an adventure in AdventureQuest 3D. Wait... hold on. I'm sorry, that's exactly what you do in the...
Betawatch: RIFT delays while Albion extends beta testing (October 14, 2016)
This week in MMO beta news, RIFT announced a delay for the beta of its upcoming Starfall Prophecy expansion, first to next week, now indefinitely. "It's...
Betawatch: Valiance Online moves into alpha (October 7, 2016)
When City of Heroes closed, fans moved on to many places, one of which was the "Plan Z" category of games that were meant...
Betawatch: Chronicles of Elyria begins the search for more money (September 30, 2016)
Good news, fans of Chronicles of Elyria! You can now give the developers more of your money via the game's web store, which is...
Betawatch: Eternal Crusade hits launch (September 23, 2016)
You know, it's kind of weird to think that Eternal Crusade has actually launched. It seemed as if it would forever be in testing,...
Betawatch: H1Z1 rolls back launch plans (September 16, 2016)
Half of H1Z1 was supposed to be launching on September 20th, but much like the game's console plans that has been rolled backwards. The...
Betawatch: Dual Universe hits the Kickstarter circuit (September 9, 2016)
This week, Dual Universe started its Kickstarter, and - oh, you've already got your checkbook out. Great, it's half a million for this one....
Betawatch: WoW Legion launches (September 2, 2016)
Boy, it feels like we've been waiting for this for a whole year, doesn't it? World of Warcraft: Legion launched this past week, putting...
Betawatch: Star Citizen gets persistent (August 26, 2016)
Depending on your definitions, Star Citizen is already pretty persistent. For example, it's already persistently crowdfunding, persistently putting out new ships for the price...
Betawatch: Das Tal becomes The Exiled (August 19, 2016)
There's a certain risk involved in changing your game's name after people have already gotten used to a name. After all, people might not...
Betawatch: Worlds Adrift gets big money (August 12, 2016)
Money, as we all know, makes the world go round. Even when that world is adrift, as in the appropriately named Worlds Adrift. In...
Betawatch: Elder Scrolls Legends opens up (August 5, 2016)
If you've been waiting for something a bit more scroll-happy before jumping on the virtual card game train, you'll be happy to know that...
Betawatch: Shroud of the Avatar is proudly persistent (July 29, 2016)
Let's make something clear: Shroud of the Avatar has not launched, it's just handled its final server wipe and will now be persistent moving...