
Massively Overpowered’s Betawatch feature chronicles the adventures and misadventures of MMOs in various stages of testing. You might also be interested in Make My MMO, which focuses on crowdfunded games in particular. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

Let's make this happen.

Betawatch: August 28th, 2015

Project Gorgon's latest run on Kickstarter is over, and it was a pretty big success for the title, hitting almost $75,000 in funding. That...
This is almost like owning a thing.

Betawatch: August 21st, 2015

Revival isn't yet in closed beta or closed alpha or even really in pre-alpha, but it is letting players walk around the houses they...
I guess I could connect with my mother here, if I cared?

Betawatch: August 14th, 2015

We all thought that Otherland was dead due to something as silly as a very long silence and the complete failure of its development...
Spread your wings and, well, glide.

Betawatch: August 7th, 2015

It's time for the first Guild Wars 2 expansion beta weekend! Technically, it's a public weekend, but the only parts of the public that...
I'm sure someone cares.

Betawatch: July 31st, 2015

I'm not going to pretend to fully understand why people are super excited about Tree of Savior, but I'm still very happy that the...

Betawatch: July 24th, 2015

John Smedley is no longer with us, by which I mean that he is still entirely alive and has not left us in the...
My authority as principal is total.

Betawatch: July 17th, 2015

If you were excited for Camelot Unchained opening its doors for the first time next month, we've got some bad news for you. The...

Betawatch: July 10th, 2015

Star Citizen managed to seize everyone's attention this week. Was it the opening of a new office for the game's development studio? The latest...
Some people just won't let go.

Betawatch: July 3rd, 2015

I freely admit that I never actually played Glitch, but I was glad it existed and sad at the people who never even had...
Open the door, get on the floor, fly on a pterodactyl, you are doing this wrong.

Betawatch: June 26th, 2015

Is there anything as marvelous as finding out that your game got so heavily exploited that the whole game needs to be wiped? If...
It lives!

Betawatch: June 19th, 2015

You could be forgiven for sort of forgetting about The Division. No matter how much it might have interested you at first, the game...
Well, at least they're honest.

Betawatch: June 12th, 2015

Could it be? Is Skyforge going to release soon, or go into an open beta which is indistinguishable from release? It certainly seems like...
It's about time.

Betawatch: June 5th, 2015

It's always nice when a game finally launches after a seeming eternal beta. Assuming it doesn't, you know, die shortly thereafter. Trove is the...
Not this one, but it is happening.

Betawatch: May 29th, 2015

We don't usually list expansions in our little master list, but Guild Wars 2 has started doing some testing of its first expansion. In...
Holy holy.

Betawatch: May 22nd, 2015

It's been a busy week for the folks at Blizzard. We've gotten a quartet of videos for Overwatch characters showing off early gameplay, and...

Betawatch: May 15th, 2015

I'm not going to lie to you, dear readers: I don't care much about Star Citizen. I am aware, though, that the actual big news...
So long my honey, so long my baby, so long my ragtime gal.

Betawatch: May 8th, 2015

This week, Landmark was consumed in a fiery explosion, by which we of course mean that it had a big old wipe. But it's...
Still kicking!

Betawatch: May 1st, 2015

So why isn't Pathfinder Online attracting more players? Goblinworks CEO Ryan Dancey apparently feels that it's a matter of the game's fans not stumping...
Depr derp smash lul

Betawatch: April 24th, 2015

Rather than languishing in beta for all eternity, Heroes of the Storm is launching on June 2nd! Sure, there will be no further wipes...
That beta testing steez.

Betawatch: April 17th, 2015

Path of Exile has another big update on the way! It has fun new skills like Golems, Warcries, and Golemcries! Maybe not so much...