
Standing Stone says that new LOTR MMO will have no impact on Lord of the Rings Online

Are you concerned over the announcement of a new Lord of the Rings MMORPG? Welp, you're not alone. As we covered yesterday, Leyou Technologies,...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI plans for weapon improvements with its next patch

Want to further augment some of the best weapons in Final Fantasy XI? The September version update is bringing along new improvements for things...

PUBG for Xbox One enters version 1.0, introducing Sanhok map, new weapons, and more

Today's a big day for the Xbox One version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, as the latest patch officially brings it into version 1.0. In addition...

Destiny 2’s Forsaken DLC is officially live today – are you going back?

It's happening! Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion is rolling out today - right as this post goes live, in fact, at 1 p.m. EDT and...

Destiny 2’s new Gambit game mode will allow join-in-progress and penalize quitters

This past weekend, Bungie gave Destiny 2 players the opportunity to jump into the new Gambit game mode ahead of its official release with...

Sony explains its crossplatform hangups, Fortnite decides tourney qualifier field by coinflip

Everybody's got an opinion on why Sony won't play nicely with the other platforms, like the Switch, in regard to Fortnite, but how about...

PAX West 2018: Bless Unleashed is nothing like Bless Online

Bandai Namco made a huge announcement just ahead of PAX West 2018: It is releasing Bless Unleashed, a console-only, action MMORPG. The team asked me...
I am not throwing away my shot.

Wisdom of Nym: What we learned in Final Fantasy XIV’s anniversary letter

I appreciate the fact that we did not get a comprehensive picture of the next patch's story with this particular live letter. Yes, the...

PAX West 2018: Getting my feet wet in Elder Scrolls Online’s Murkmire

I should preface this article with two things: I got to spend maybe 15 minutes in Murkmire while in a crowded, loud room at...

The MOP Up: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds lets gamers tattle on each other (September 2, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

PAX West 2018: Elder Scrolls Online’s Murkmire arrives on the PTS September 17

At its PAX West presentation last night, ZeniMax showed attendees an overview of content coming in Elder Scrolls Online's upcoming Murkmire DLC, which will...
Wait for it.

DC Universe Online is adding new movement styles as GU87 hits the test server

Who wants to move like everyone else in DC Universe Online? Nobody, that's who. You want a bold and unique movement style that's available...

TERA is merging its PC servers too – here’s how it’s all going down in September

Last month, En Masse dropped its console servers for TERA from 22 down to 7. Now, the company is planning a similar round of...

Champions Online starts its four-week anniversary event

At one year shy of a full decade, Champions Online has defied all odds to become the longest-running superhero MMORPG on the planet. That...

Elite Dangerous outlines scaled-back Beyond content, teases big changes for 2019

If you were one of the players grumbling over the smallish size of Elite Dangerous' latest update, first of all, you weren't alone. But...

Warframe’s latest player event, the Pyrus Project, picks up a plot thread from 2014

Fancy a big construction project in Warframe? Good because that's exactly what this week's update and ongoing event entails. It's called the Pyrus Project....
Oh my.

Dive deep into Path of Exile’s Delve when it hits the PC servers this afternoon

Are ya ready, OARPG fans? Delve is launching for Path of Exile today as promised - at 4 p.m. EDT today, in fact, if...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Vague Patch Notes: Casual no longer means anything in MMOs

Every time I see someone write something about casual players - including me because heavens know I've done it too - I feel a...
Oh my.

Bless Online highlights login bonuses and offers a new Bless Unleashed trailer

Are login bonuses an excellent way to reward players for regularly logging into a game and thus enriching the active community, or are they...
Keeping your garden.

Final Fantasy XIV shows off more of the Arboretum hard mode

There are two dungeons arriving in Final Fantasy XIV with patch 4.4, and it seems more or less inevitable that one of them is...