

World of Warcraft previews two new arenas coming to the game in patch 9.2

Good news for everyone who has been eagerly awaiting more news about content in World of Warcraft's upcoming patch 9.2, Eternity's End: The official site...

Perfect Ten: 10 things I’m looking forward to in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker

So, life comes at you fast. When I originally planned this column out, this was going to be the week of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker...
Tales of loss, and fire, and faith.

Final Fantasy XIV posts a single-sized music video for the Endwalker theme song

If not for the two-week delay, players would be getting ready to start exploring Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker in just a couple of days. As...
Seamless. Very convincing.

World of Warcraft hints at potentially tying Azeroth back into the story of Shadowlands

So time for a storyline recap for people who are not necessarily up on their World of Warcraft lore. Azeroth is the name of the...
Sunset on original ideas.

World of Warcraft: Classic outlines the full set of changes for Season of Mastery

It's time for an entire season proving that you're the real master of WoW Classic. Wait, we misspoke; tomorrow is when this particular event server ruleset goes...
I want a Milky Way.

World of Warcraft will allow flying in Zereth Mortis as players debate anniversary event drop rates

The real question of World of Warcraft tends to be whether or not you can fly in a given zone, with players often frustrated by...
Corpse party.

The Daily Grind: What MMO patch has been the most disappointing for you?

Not everything you anticipate turns out to have been worth the anticipation. We've all had patches that were hyped up as containing all sorts...

World of Warcraft prepares to kick off its anniversary celebrations on November 15

It's almost time to celebrate 17 years since World of Warcraft initially launched, so hopefully you're feeling in a celebratory mood at the moment. Or...
Yep, we're going here, too.

Final Fantasy XIV reminds players of numerical value drops and the mid-experience value reset

The arrival of Endwalker is just under three weeks away, and that means changes for Final Fantasy XIV. For example, it means that a lot of...
Flashy flash.

Star Wars: The Old Republic opens up testing for Veteran difficulty in the Elom flashpoint

There is a lot of stuff to test right now on Star Wars: The Old Republic's public test servers. Do you want even more to test out?...
Birb is the worb.

Final Fantasy XI adds in more Voracious Resurgence and the new Master Level advancement system

The newest patch to Final Fantasy XI is a big deal. No, not just because there's a new installment of the Voracious Resurgence, although that...
Over and over.

Season of Mastery in World of Warcraft: Classic will not have spell batching or same-faction battlegrounds

When WoW Classic first launched, it included spell batching. Not the same way that the original game had it, of course; no, this was a...
Old world.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most upsetting MMO delay you’ve experienced?

Delays happen in the game industry, especially the last year or so. They're not ideal, but they happen. A good development team tries to...

Lineage 2M is launching on December 2 in North America and Europe

Those of you who were lamenting that there might be some small portion of your gaming day spent not playing some version of Lineage II will...
Oh look,

World of Warcraft will be revealing the next Shadowlands content update tomorrow

Playing World of Warcraft at the moment has involved a whole lot of staring at the sky and waiting for rain, metaphorically speaking. So it's...
Faces and offs.

World of Warcraft: Classic is planning to allow free character transfers off low-population servers

The direction of free server transfers can tell you a lot about what's coming next for a game's servers. If WoW Classic were offering players...
Zorp? Phasers don't go zorp.

Star Trek Online patches in a new warship event as Reflections is live for console players

Who doesn't like a free warship? It is suspected that Star Trek Online console players like free warships. Presumably non-console players also like free warships,...

Neverwinter comes under siege starting on November 11

So... hey, Neverwinter players, quick round of questions. Who exactly was it that told the Cult of the Dragon that they needed to siege...

Wild Terra 2 updates with the second part of Plague Island

What more awaits on the ominous Plague Island in Wild Terra 2? Tameable spiders. Yes, it's terrifying, they're spider pets. For those of you...
Void where prohibited.

The Daily Grind: Do you pay close attention to MMO studio financial reports?

Investor reports are bland, boring, and usually not what anyone finds to be gripping reading even if you're an investor in a given company....