dino survival


PSA: ARK Survival Ascended is free-to-play this weekend on PS5 and Steam

Who wants free digital dinosaurs? Or if you're a digital dinosaur, who wants free digital humans to snack on? Either way, the dino survival...

ARK Survival Ascended launches the Scorched Earth map and Bob’s Tall Tales expansion DLC

Normally it's a good idea to stay away from someplace called a scorched earth, but in the case of ARK: Survival Ascended, it's the...

The MOP Up: Co-op RPG Stolen Realm launches with ‘frictionless’ multiplayer

Turn-based RPG Stolen Realm launched on Steam, Xbox, and Switch: "Play Stolen Realm solo, or in co-op with up to six heroes, as you...

The cast list for Wildcard’s surprise ARK Animated Series on Paramount+ is bananas

I don't know who asked for this, but I'm also not upset about it as this might be the most amusing thing the ARK...

Survival sandbox MMO Myth of Empires launches its 1.0 build on Steam today

Myth of Empires is flinging open its doors today - right now, in fact - as the sandbox survival MMO launches on Steam at...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been an ambassador in your MMO?

One of my 2024 resolutions is to push myself out of my comfort zone and enjoy some more diverse MMO gaming. To this, I...

ARK Survival Ascended brings back the Winter Wonderland holiday event and Survival of the Fittest mode

ARK: Survival Ascended has brought back things that regular players of the dino survival sandbox are likely familiar with, but this time they're in...

ARK Survival Ascended shares cross-platform mods, holiday event, and content roadmap through 2025

Studio Wildcard used its recent Extra Life charity fundraising livestream to outline a whole two years' worth of update plans for ARK: Survival Ascended,...

ARK Survival Ascended confirms release delay for Xbox, targets possible PlayStation launch by month’s end

Xbox and PlayStation fans who are eager to get in to ARK: Survival Ascended are waking up to some unfortunate news as Studio Wildcard...

Myth of Empires officially returns to Steam after a two-year legal drama

It's been a long, strange, and litigious journey for Myth of Empires -- but its biggest woes may be behind it now. The MMO...

Dino survival MMO Path of Titans lets player critters pounce, pull, and carry other tasty creatures in latest patch

Eating on the run is usually bad form, but when it comes to being a dinosaur in the survival MMO Path of Titans, that...

ARK Survival Ascended’s launch sees rapid patching, multiple server openings, and mixed reviews

Now that ARK: Survival Ascended has had just over a week since its early access launch, it seems like a good time to check...

ARK Survival Ascended has finally hit early access on Steam to ‘re-energize the classic-ARK experience’

If you were growing ever more concerned that ARK Survival Ascended - the sequel to ARK Survival Evolved - was MIA, then you can...

ARK Survival Ascended still has no release date, but it will have a photo mode

Who needs a solid calendar date for your dinosaur survival sandbox when you can instead have a confirmed photo mode? That's part of the...

Wildcard sunsets ARK Survival Evolved official servers, confirms no Steam cross-play at ARK Ascended’s launch

"We aren't meant to live forever," reasons the title of a video for ARK: Survival Evolved, which is part of a wider send-off for...

ARK readies final Survival Evolved official server snapshot before September 30 shutdown

The end is nigh for ARK: Survival Evolved. The game's latest newsletter once again heralds the end for official servers of the dino survival...

ARK Survival Ascended still claims an October launch as it begins another player-made creature contest

ARK: Survival Ascended appears to still be motoring forward with its October launch plans in spite of the fact that it still hasn't shown...

ARK Survival Ascended confirms that players will get to rent private servers thanks to Nitrado partnership

Regular players of the original ARK: Survival Evolved may be familiar with the company name Nitrado, which has helped players rent their own private...

ARK Survival Ascended finalizes the player-created creature coming to its Aberration map

The community engagement continues in ARK: Survival Ascended. Readers might remember that Studio Wildcard kicked off a mid-July player-created creature contest that offered a...

Capcom’s sci-fi dino team shooter Exoprimal officially launches today

We've been keeping an eye on Capcom's Exoprimal since last year, when the company decided to swirl around high-tech futuristic sci-fi with dinosaurs for...