dungeons and dragons

See: Dungeons and Dragons Online

The MOP Up: Plants vs. Zombies goes multiplayer

Do you remember that quirky personality-filled Plants vs. Zombies lane defense game from way back when? Popcap has been expanding that series franchise ever...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs are in your backlog?

Most all gamers know the bittersweet feeling that is to have a huge backlog of unplayed games thanks to seasonal sales and impulse purchases....

Dungeons and Dragons Online dishes out anniversary gifts

While we usually convene here at Massively OP to discuss game launch anniversaries, today we have something slightly different: the launch of a business...

The Stream Team: Night two of new Neverwinter adventures

Massively OP's MJ completely intended to make a new Gith in Neverwinter, but then she made her Drow rogue and there was no going...

Dungeons and Dragon Online pumps out a Sharn-themed adventure pack

It's Patch Day for Dungeons and Dragons Online. So what does the GM have planned for adventurers in Eberron? Why, it's a new adventure...

The Stream Team: Beginning Dungeons and Dragons Online on Korthos

As Massively OP's MJ starts regular Dungeons and Dragons nights on OPTV, she felt it was a perfect time to start DDO from the...
Them's fightin' words.

Neverwinter spices up PvP with new seasons and campaign mechanics

The most recent patch for Neverwinter added a new arena, but the game's PvP changes aren't stopping there. Players will have even more reason to...

The Daily Grind: Which class would you just love to port from one MMO to another?

Earlier this summer, Standing Stone Game announced a brand-new and unique class for Dungeons and Dragons Online: the Alchemist. No, it's not just another...

The MOP Up: Dauntless’ Strike Force is all up in your face

Giant monster hunting isn't just a sacred duty of those sworn to protect that one blacksmith and his family, it's also a competition between...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

Global Chat: MMO roleplaying explained for the rest of us

Game designer Brian Green has been on a writing streak as of late with a whole series of blog posts about roleplaying in MMORPGs....

One Shots: All the awesome you can handle

One day when I grow up, I hope to be half as amazing and down-to-earth cool as most of our One Shots community here....

The Stream Team: Gotta getta Gith in Neverwinter

The Gith are out! Neverwinter has opened up the new race for everyone who log in now, and Massively OP's MJ has gotta getta...

Desert Oasis: First impressions of Black Desert on the PlayStation 4 (and the PS Vita too!)

I needed a break from Black Desert after that disappointing enchant session I recounted in the last edition of the Desert Oasis column. A few...

One Shots: My other car is a ravenous dragon

Sure, in your normal, mundane life you drive a Prius hatchback, but in your virtual existence, you enjoy a ride that's a bit more...

Massively Overthinking: Problematic faves in MMOs

A while back, a reader suggested that it was impossible for a fan who loves something to recognize its shortcomings, and I was taken...
This took some work.

Perfect Ten: MMOs that flirted with permadeath

This month, Dungeons and Dragons Online will be venturing where many MMORPGs have feared to tread: into the realm of officially supported permadeath. The...
It's official, I can't tell the difference between this and TERA now.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 234: ArcheAge’s game changer

Justin and Bree discuss ArcheAge Unchained, WoW Classic, No Man's Sky, DDO, Neverwinter, and Elder Scrolls Online, with mailbag topics on the future of MMOs and the silent majority MMO playerbase.

Neverwinter, Champions Online, and Star Trek Online end XMPP chat client support

In an effort to reportedly take on the ever-encroaching menace that is gold selling spammers, outside chat client support powered by XMPP will be...

Hands-on: Neverwinter post-Uprising is a mixed bag for newbies and vets

A long time ago, for a few months after it launched, I was an avid Neverwinter player. I loved its visceral combat, and to...

The Game Archaeologist: Dungeons & Dragons

Part of the holy mission of the Game Archaeologist is to ferret out the roots of history that ultimately led to MMORPGs as we...