
Guild Chat: What to do when your guildies buy illegal MMO gold

Hello, readers, and welcome along to my cozy little corner where we get together to help a reader in need with a guild-related issue....

Albion is aiming at an EVE-like metagame

The Videogame Backlog has interviewed Christian Ziegert, who is the head of operations at Sandbox Interactive and who is responsible for the fantasy MMO...

Gamescom 2015: Guild Wars 2’s new mastery system details revealed

On the opening day of Gamescom 2015, I crept away from the buzzing hum and dazzling lights of the show floor to sit down with Guild...

MMO Burnout: Virtual bush flying with FSEconomy

I play a lot of flight sims. The Sturmovik series, DCS, X-Plane, and pretty much every similar title ever released has found its way onto...
When it comes.

WoW Factor: Analyzing Legion with a critical eye

All right, let me just say for the record that when it comes to this expansion, my speculation last week was meant as just...

Gamescom 2015: Trove’s fall Shadow Tower update offers endgame content, new class

Trion did something this year that a lot of MMO studios don't bother to do: brought existing MMOs to Gamescom. The studio unleashed information on...

PSA: The Secret World is consolidating currencies, so spend yours soon

Here's an important heads-up for The Secret World players that you might have missed back in July when it was originally announced: Funcom is...
I always want screenshots I don't actually have, it seems.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on what comes next in Final Fantasy XIV

Let me start by warning you fans of Final Fantasy XIV that this column may very well have spoilers, but that's all right because...

MMO Mechanics: Brilliant MMO boss mechanics

I love a good boss fight as much as the next MMO player, and I'm sure I'm not alone in favouring fights that really...

Nexus Telegraph: Righting the S.S. WildStar

This past week I got the opportunity to ask a few questions about WildStar's new "stat refactoring" patch that's coming this fall. There were...

Everything you need to know about Neverwinter’s guild strongholds

It's a good time to be a guild in Neverwinter. That's because on August 11th, every guild -- no matter how large or small...
Machine men, with machine hearts.

Skyforge’s first major update, Crucible of the Gods, lands on August 11th

Now that Skyforge is in its open beta phase - a soft launch for all intents and purposes - it's reasonable for players to...
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward at the one-month mark

Heavensward has been out a bit more than a month now if you count the launch of early access as the "real" launch of...

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...
Lizard laugh.

Final Fantasy XIV adds in progression endgame content and more PvP options

Final Fantasy XIV has been rolling out its Heavensward endgame in a series of stages, and the last stage has finally arrived. Patch 3.05...

World of Warcraft raiding guild wipes 472 times before beating mythic Hellfire raid

How many times do you usually tolerate a full group wipe before calling it a night? Three? Four? Now imagine if your guild has...

TERA’s Patrick Sun on working with Bluehole and more

TERA made news as the most played MMO on Steam earlier this summer, so naturally we were curious to see how things are going...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s expansion endgame, three weeks in

As of this writing, I haven't yet cleared Alexander. I've had other things to do, and while it might mean I'm ultimately one week...
Great old.

The Daily Grind: What do you do when you ‘finish’ your main MMO goals?

There's a sense of satisfaction when you wrap up a big set of goals. You're downed the last boss of the last raid tier...

Echo of Soul exits beta, launches first raid

Confused over Echo of Soul's nebulous launch status? Fortunately, it's going to be a lot more clear-cut going forward, as the fantasy MMO has...