eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Run! They've got a New World in the sidecar!

End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2022

I might be biased - by which I mean I am definitely biased - but 2022 was a year of big stories and big...
Less than inspirational!

EVE Online’s mobile 4X strategy game Project M5 resurfaces thanks to recent player survey questions

Allow us to provide a little bit of additional context for this one: Among the reveals made during Fanfest in May, there was some...

The Daily Grind: What was the best event in the MMO genre in 2022?

If ever there were a year that I wish we hadn't demoted "best event" from an award to a Daily Grind, it was 2022,...
Hanging around.

EVE Online details the changes for hangars in the most recent update

What kind of video game about cool spaceships doesn't have cool hangar shots? One held together with spit and baling wire, which does describe...

The Stream Team: A brief return to EVE Online

MOP's Chris is a man of his word, and so today's stream will see him play a bit of EVE Online, a space sandbox...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon GO’s Mythical Wishes season needs to win players back

Without a doubt, Pokemon Go's Season of Light has been the roughest season yet, plagued with not only miscommunications the company is practically known...

EVE Online details new and upcoming improvements to its Photon UI

EVE Online continues to make a whole bunch of noise about its spiffing new Photon UI, with another new dev blog that details changes...

Rockstar draws a line in the sand over GTA Online roleplay servers creating NFTs

One of the many ways players engage with Grand Theft Auto Online is by creating third-party roleplay servers, which often can change the game...

EVE Online celebrates Spanish players with in-game events as Fanfest tickets are nearly sold out

EVE Online has decided to take a few days out of this week to celebrate its Spanish-speaking community and the game's soft-launch of its...

EVE Online begins testing a new default overview UI

The overview window of EVE Online is the most important part of the game's UI, as it effectively is the tool players use to...

CCP Games has already locked down dates and early details for its EVE Fanfest 2023

We are all a very long way from September 2023, but CCP Games is still eager to tie down that month as the one...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 396: Crowfalling

Justin and Bree discuss Crowfall, Blue Protocol, SWTOR, New World, Q3 2022 financials (for Blizzard, Pearl Abyss, Square Enix, NCsoft), and new patches (for DDO, Neverwinter, Blade and Soul, EVE Online, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online), with a mailbag topic covering Shadowbane, Second Live, Secret World, and Ultima Online.

EVE Online hits its second highest daily user count for November thanks to Uprising and promotional offers

Last week saw EVE Online release its much ballyhooed Uprising update, bringing along with it new ship variants, the frontlines mode, and more to...

Pearl Abyss Q3 2022: DokeV and Crimson Desert delays, CCP’s new blockchain game, and EVE Online’s uptick

Pearl Abyss, primarily known around these parts as the company that owns EVE Online and Black Desert, has released its third quarter earnings report...
This was a television show.

Perfect Ten: 10 metrics to check to gauge MMO success or failure

There are a lot of MMOs out there. How do you know which one of them is the most popular and therefore the best...
As a treat.

EVE Online brings new ship variants, frontlines, and shinier hangars in today’s Uprising update

The latest update for EVE Online has been the talk of the game for a while now (and has reportedly been drawing in a...

EVE Online’s Uprising update will try to fight high sec griefing and circumvention of abyssal space risk

While there are certainly some big spotlight items coming to EVE Online in its November 8th Uprising expansion, there are other updates planned for...

A huge star just ruptured in EVE Online in the lead-up to the Uprising expansion

EVE Online is bringing in the forthcoming Uprising expansion with a bang, quite literally. According to CCP's event lore, the Amarr empire placed experimental transmuter...
Yes, I prepared.

EVE Online ties down a November 8 launch date for Uprising and shows off 16 new spaceships

There have been two big news updates for EVE Online, both of which are tied to the game's upcoming Uprising expansion. CCP Games has...

EVE Online previews Uprising’s navy issue ship tweaks and opens a Frontlines testing event

EVE Online has already promised that November's Uprising update is bringing plenty of new and updated things along for the ride, and now that...