See: TheFallout series on Wikipedia. MMO players will forever be waiting for Fallout Online, we suspect.
Fallout 76 may be flipping on its no-lockboxes vow
With only days to go until New Year's Eve, Bethesda has to redouble its efforts to run Fallout 76 right into the ground. So...
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2018
We've got a lot of awards going out over the next couple of weeks about the "best" and "biggest" of this and that. But...
Worlds Adrift toggles on proximity-based voice chat, engine overheating, and ciphers
You couldn't get enough of mouth-breathing and kids yelling at their mothers in some state far away from you in Fallout 76, and now...
Fallout 76’s campsite buffs and push-to-talk are live today, with another patch coming next week
Time to peek out from the rubble of Fallout 76 to see what's going on this week... Oh, it's just a patch? A patch...
Even Fallout 76’s ticket system is a buggy mess: A customer support loophole was leaking personal info
Did you think Bethsoft's Fallout 76 woes couldn't get anymore woeful? You lack imagination.
According to multiple Reddit and forum posts collected by Kotaku, those...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 199: Delay after delay
Justin and Bree discuss delays and do-overs for Project Nova, Path of Exile, Fractured, and Blades, plus WildStar's sunset, Red Dead Online, and Fallout 76's many messes, with mailbag questions on keeping up with new MMOs and combat-free titles.
Fallout 76 buffs the stash and nerfs endgame mob XP with today’s patch
Are you over the Fallout 76 canvas bag thing now that you're actually getting the canvas bag? Cool cool. So now let's get back...
Fallout 76 collectors edition buyers will get the canvas bags they were promised after all
Last week, Fallout 76 fans lit the world on fire over the revelation that the "West tek canvas carrying bag" promised to $200 collector...
The Daily Grind: Do you ever worry that an MMO you’re watching will be shuttered before it’s done?
It's possible I've been doing this too long and have just seen a whole lot of casually delivered bad news on Twitter from gaming...
Bethesda permabans Fallout 76 players for homophobic harassment
We're not sure whether to bin this as a good story or a bad - a little of both maybe. Multiple Fallout 76 players...
Bethsoft has delayed Elder Scrolls Blades into 2019
Fans of the Elder Scrolls franchise (and Elder Scrolls Online specifically in our neck of the woods) have been in a state of curiosity...
Fallout 76 fans are livid over what they call a collectors edition ‘bait-and-switch’
Bethsoft just can't catch a break with Fallout 76, can it. Players across social media are bemoaning an apparent switcharoo in the Fallout 76 collector's...
Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO news stories of 2018
With the turn of every new year, I know we are entering unexplored territory in the field of MMO news. No matter what we...
Global Chat: Saying farewell to a fellow MMO blogger
The MMO blogging community is a pretty tight-knit one. Most of us know each other (or of each other) and read each other's blogs...
Bethsoft acknowledges ‘frustrated and angry’ Fallout 76 fans, previews December patches
You know, I'm almost starting to feel sorry for whichever Bethsoft community manager is tasked with entering the bowels of the Fallout 76 Reddit...
There might just be a class action lawsuit over Fallout 76 refunds
If you're having fun in Fallout 76, awesome - our own Fallout fanboy certainly found some positives in the game - but other folks...
Fallout 76 goes on steep sale while fans uncover a Skyrim connection
Ready for a bit of "huh, that's weird" for a Monday morning? We sure hope so because it turns out that Fallout 76 is...
The Daily Grind: What would you do if you had godmode in your favorite MMO?
Over the holiday, one of the many amusing bug stories following Fallout 76 around was the tale of the girl who got godmode. Apparently,...
Global Chat: Investigating LOTRO’s progression servers
The new Lord of the Rings Online progression servers are proving to be of significant interest to MMO players and bloggers alike, with some...
The Game Archaeologist: Castle Infinity, the MMO that was literally rescued from a dumpster
In the grand history of MMORPGs, kids games seem to have it rougher than most. Developers have had a hard time cracking into that...