free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The MOP Up: Echo of Soul returns

Korean MMO Echo of Soul is now back on Steam early access after the title was shut down back around 2015 and 2016. It's...

LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online’s 2018 review

It was the best of years, it was the worst of years for Lord of the Rings Online -- but no matter what, it...

The Stream Team: Celebrating werewolves and vampires this AQ3D season

The holiday season is filled with hustle and bustle as folks prepare for festivities. And for Massively OP's MJ, that includes werewolves and vampires...
And then there was the time we shot them. And the time they shot us. And... that's it, really.

Daybreak isn’t abandoning PlanetSide 2 just because PlanetSide Arena is cooking

You might have wondered about the status of PlanetSide 2 now that Daybreak has announced PlanetSide Arena. After all, just ask PlanetSide 1 fans...
This is what we were really missing.

Riot suspends COO for gross sexual jokes involving farting and touching subordinates’ genitalia

More bad news coming out of Riot Games this week. Kotaku reports that Riot employees have been told COO Scott Gelb is being punished...
Ohhh snap.

Star Wars: The Old Republic celebrates seven years with firework backpacks

It's been seven years of playing in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and to celebrate the occasion, players can strap a volatile mixture of explosives...

The Stream Team: A new Secret World Legends Krampusnacht

The wonderful holiday celebration of Krampusnacht is back, and Massively OP's MJ is excited to learn there is a new investigation mission that came...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2018

We've got a lot of awards going out over the next couple of weeks about the "best" and "biggest" of this and that. But...

Gamigo plans holiday events for ArcheAge, RIFT, Trove, and Atlas Reactor too

Yesterday, Gamigo posted up just what Defiance and Defiance 2050 are doing for Christmas, but as its press release today suggests, Gamigo is in...

Enter to win a MapleStory pet package in honor of the Black Mage showdown

Move over, MapleStory 2 - it's your big brother's time to shine, as MapleStory-the-first has patched in the final chapter of its Black Mage...

Daybreak’s new game is PlanetSide Arena, and yes, it’s a battle royale

Earlier this week, Daybreak began sending emails to players and former players teasing a new game being worked on within the studio's walls and...

Hyperspace Beacon: First impressions of SWTOR 5.10 ‘Jedi Under Siege’

Faith in BioWare products has been waning as of late, but Star Wars: The Old Republic seemed to always maintain a core fan base....

LOTRO loses its lead designer, starts Yuletide with two new instances

Santa's bringing both coal and presents to Lord of the Rings Online players this Christmas. First, the coal. Long-time Lead Designer Ben "Dr Octothorpe" Schneider...

Midweek Mop Up: GTAO, Ubisoft, Path of Exile, Heroes & Generals, Foxhole, Vindictus, Crew 2, War of Rights, and more

It would not be unfair to say that this week has been one of the most news-heavy weeks of the year, to the point...

Fishing angles to bait TERA’s players in the BAF Masters update, now live

"The hottest leisure time activity since binge-watching has finally come to TERA!" No, it's not nitpicking grammar errors on Reddit or arguing in the YouTube comments...
It's a bribe, Charlie Brown.

Defiance 2050 and Defiance brings the Solstice Strike on December 17

Even in the ruined world of Defiance 2050, people are still gathering around to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. What would that be? Guns...

LOTRO tests new Anvil of Winterstith raid, Beorning and Burglar changes

Would you rather be mauled by a bear or backstabbed by a Burglar? Either way, your hypothetical future is about to get a lot...

EverQuesting: It’s a cash shop Christmas in EverQuest II’s Frostfell

Abandon hope all ye who log in here. That is how I felt at the start of EverQuest II's Frostfell this past Tuesday. As...

The Stream Team: Jumping into SWTOR’s Jedi Under Siege

New content off the port bow! Jedi Under Siege, the next chapter in the SWTOR story, has released, and Massively OP's Larry and MJ...

Perfect Ten: MMOs to watch in 2019

The MMO genre is in a strange and uncertain place right now -- but also one that is quietly thrilling. We've long passed the...