free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

As a bird.

Choose My Adventure: Single-track shooting in Warframe

After my second week in, I have to admit that I'm kind of bothered by Warframe. Or, more accurately, the fact that I like...

RIFT starts Carnival celebration, previews Tenebrean Prison warfront

RIFT's anniversary event, Carnival, is now raging across the game's live servers -- but not on the new Prime progression server. While the latter...

Massively Overthinking: The war on MMO chat toxicity

This week, The Ancient Gaming Noob posted up an image of RIFT Prime, where Trion asks people to... play nice. "Just a neighborly reminder...
Hello? Beasts?

Path of Exile improves the quality of Bestiary League with its latest patch

Everyone loves Path of Exile's Bestiary League, except maybe the beasts. But what if you have a whole pile of beasts, including some you've...

Star Trek Online will make a 3-D model of your ship for hundreds of dollars

For Star Trek Online captains who have fallen deeply in love with their starship of choice, now they can take that ship out of...

Take a trip through Funcom’s 25-year history

From 1994's A Dinosaur's Tale to 2018's Mutant Year Zero, Funcom has blazed its own path through the video game genre as a developer...
It is also not the same as a box in which a lady shows a great deal of skin. No idea how Dr. Skinner would have felt about that.

TERA kicks off a second console beta on March 16

The second open beta for TERA's console edition arrives on March 16th, but if you weren't part of the first test, you won't be...

EverQuest celebrates 19 years with a two-month anniversary event and a new progression server

When 19 years old you turn, reason for throwing a lavish party for yourself you will have. As of tomorrow, EverQuest will turn 19 years...

EVE Online, Star Trek Online, and Elite Dangerous players memorialize physicist Stephen Hawking

Multiple MMORPG communities are celebrating the life of internationally renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking, who passed away earlier this week. In EVE Online, players came together...

Lord of the Rings Online team works on future ‘far-flung adventures’

Having some issues with Lord of the Rings Online Update 22? A small patch released on Wednesday may have cleared it up. The small...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR fans should be excited about Fogbank

This week, I'm going to depart a little from the usual insights into the world around Star Wars: The Old Republic and talk about...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: MMO missteps that didn’t have to happen

Around the time I started working at Massively-that-was, there was an article that I quite liked talking about how four high-profile MMO failures were...

Interview: ArcheAge 4.5 Legends Return launches April 5th with dragon taming and fresh start servers

If I were to tell you that ArcheAge's next big update is launching next month, you'd tell me that it's too soon. And we'd...

TERA’s Male Brawler is here, as are free character slots

Feel like punching something hard in the face? Then get over to TERA, where the Male Brawler has joined his female counterpart in the...

SWTOR devs walk you through the selling points of Update 5.8

Ready for Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 5.8's arrival next week? It's OK if not, because the developers are here to bring you...

PUBG, TERA, and A:IR company Bluehole has gone on a shopping spree

South Korea's Bluehole has been busy as the rise of PUBG has filled its coffers. It partnered with Tencent. It's been hiring for TERA's...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 161: Project power

Justin and Bree discuss RIFT Prime, Trove, Project C, Project Gorgon, H1Z1, The Division 2, Guild Wars 2, and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on mimicking Minecraft's business model and playing the good stuff while you still can.
You have so many options, giving one more away won't kill ya.

Warframe celebrates five years and 38 million players

Warframe continues to defy expectations for online gaming playerbase sizes. A year ago, it boasted 30M registered players. As of today, it's up to 38M....
And it's gone.

Dota 2 introduces a subscription option for players

After a long time of being free-to-play, Dota 2 is exploring the possibility of letting you pay money for it on a regular basis....

Global Chat: Avoiding MMO activities

Have you ever noticed that you play it way too safe in your MMOs, especially when it comes to interacting (or not) with others? Aywren...