
See: Frontier Developments

Elite: Dangerous provides some deep detail about Odyssey’s on-foot features in a developer livestream

Last week, Elite: Dangerous began to spill information about the upcoming Odyssey expansion with a video about missions and their move to on-ground locations...

Elite: Dangerous’ latest community goal has players siding with Eurybia Blue Mafia or the Keltim Empire

Now that Elite: Dangerous has once more brought back community goals, it's time once again for players to pick sides to unlock rewards and...

Not So Massively roundup: Iron Harvest, Second Extinction, Valorant, Paladins, Wolf Team, The Cycle, and New Frontier

Welcome back to a quick roundup of recent news from some not-so-massively online multiplayer titles. Wolf Team: Gamigo's MMOFPS introduced a new map last week...
How we make the mess.

Here’s Torchlight III’s headstart pre-launch is going to work in October

Hot on the heels of its launch announcement yesterday, Torchlight III's Echtra Games and PWE posted another state of the game piece meant for...

Elite: Dangerous elaborates on how Odyssey moves careers and missions to NPCs, stations, and settlements

Most of the time, getting a mission in Elite: Dangerous involved docking into a spaceport and navigating a UI from the seat of your...

Torchlight III finally has a launch date: It’s now coming October 13

The long-delayed Torchlight III has just revealed its formal launch date: October 13th. PWE and Echtra Games made the announcement this morning, putting a...

Elite: Dangerous makes the Horizons expansion part of its base edition in October

The base game of Elite: Dangerous has just gotten a little more interesting for those who didn't buy in to the Horizons expansion pack....

Razer announces digital event RazerCon 2020 for October 10, complete with streamed lightshow and concert

I know what you're thinking: 2020 really needed another digital gaming convention! Enter Razer, which has today announced RazerCon 2020, a "full-day digital event"...

Dark Age of Camelot celebrates 19 years with in-game tabletop map dioramas and RvR bonuses

How do you best celebrate the world of Dark Age of Camelot? By having little chunks of the in-game world in digital tabletop form!...

The MOP Up: Overhit sunsets in Korea

Nexon's Overhit is fading quickly from the mobile MMO scene. Its global servers were shut down earlier this year, leaving only the Korean and...

Elite Dangerous is reviving its in-game storytelling with the return of Galnet and community goals

Earlier this year, the Elite Dangerous community was justifiably grumpy over the revelation that Frontier had seemingly put an end to communtiy features such...

Elite Dangerous compromises on Odyssey’s VR capabilities, but ‘walking in ships’ won’t make launch

When Frontier announced Elite Dangerous' Odyssey expansion earlier this summer, it came with a belated caveat: that the expansion wouldn't include VR compatibility at...

The MOP Up: Legends of Runeterra unwraps a new expansion

Riot Games' digital card game Legends of Runeterra made a big splash this past week as it released its first big expansion. "The Call of...

Elite Dangerous previews Odyssey’s atmospheric planets in new dev video

Back at the top of June, Frontier announced that the massive Elite Dangerous expansion it's been working on for ages is called Odyssey, coming...
Right, right, space. We're in it.

Elite Dangerous adjusts overlapping hotspots and tritium performance

Fleet carriers are big and they cause balance issues in Elite Dangerous. Not unfixable ones, mind you; just ones that have to be adjusted...
This is what we were really missing.

New executive order could ban US transactions with Tencent – potentially bad news for gaming [Updated]

File this one under "I was about to go to sleep when the internet erupted in an absolute panic over Tencent": Late this evening,...

Red Dead Online ends its content drought with today’s Frontier Pursuit, the Naturalist

Just two weeks ago, we covered the simultaneously amusing and sad story about Red Dead Online players dressing up as clowns to protest a...

Elite Dangerous will hand out free tritium to Fleet Carriers to combat a fuel shortage

You'd think in a video game where resources can just be populated at the developers' will that a fuel shortage wouldn't be possible, but...

Rockstar addresses GTAO and Red Dead Online content droughts with vague previews

Rockstar hasn't had the best summer, what with SuperData dinging GTAO for its lack of major content leading to revenue dips and gamers protesting...
books about space here

Elite: Dangerous touches on player feedback from its latest patch, promises more Odyssey news soon

The players of Elite: Dangerous have some thoughts on the most recent Fleet Carriers patch, so the folks at Frontier Developments have offered up...