
A German company that publishes several dozen smaller MMOs across the world.

Gamigo is retooling Trove’s player-generated content submission system

I'd be willing to be that in spite of how often we cover Trove, most of our readers have no idea that a lot...

ArcheAge Unchained is kind of a hot mess while the land rush begins

It is certainly a busy and frantic time as the fledgling ArcheAge Unchained attempts to find its game legs and stabilize into a premiere...

Grab an Aura Kingdom starter pack with a booster character to celebrate Halloween!

To usher in the Halloween season, Aeria has granted us a stack of Aura Kingdom starter packs for our readers! The included items run...

ArcheAge Unchained’s Steam launch is still driving queues as land claims start tomorrow

ArcheAge Unchained officially hit Steam last night after a couple of delays, and while name-claiming and character-creation locking and unlocking is still a bit...

ArcheAge Unchained delays Steam, beholds mighty queues during launch rollout

Gamigo's touting it as a "successful launch," but ArcheAge Unchained's slow rollout yesterday was more like a typical MMO launch, beset by queues, crashes,...

Buy-to-play ArcheAge Unchained is officially live today with the Shadows Revealed update

Back in August, Gamigo stunned the MMORPG genre by announcing a do-over for 2014 Korean MMORPG ArcheAge called ArcheAge Unchained: It's a buy-to-play, sub-free...

ArcheAge Unchained’s test server goes dark in prep for launch

Certain quarters of the MMO community are positively jittering with barely repressed excitement over the imminent launch of ArcheAge's buy-to-play, non-pay-to-win server this week. With...

ArcheAge Unchained fans are getting antsy about proposed cosmetic gifting

During Gamigo's ArcheAge Unchained stream this afternoon, the chat erupted with cries of "pay-to-win confirmed" over the revelation that cosmetic gifting will be in...

Fiesta Online is getting a… battle royale mode? And it’s live right now

Remember in 2018 when adding a battle royale to your MMORPG was all the rage? (Heck, remember when adding a battle royale to your...

ArcheAge Unchained will open its PTS to everyone October 7 but delays character reservations again

Up until this point, the only way you could hop in to the PTS of ArcheAge Unchained was to have pre-ordered the game. That...

ArcheAge Unchained pushes name reservations to this weekend, but the PTS is up today

If you're all-in for ArcheAge Unchained with a preorder already made, you've probably been anxious to know when exactly you can take advantage of...

ArcheAge provides more launch details for ArcheAge Unchained in latest stream

ArcheAge held a livestream this past Friday with a number of details for players looking forward to ArcheAge Unchained, granting eager fans a few...

Interview: ArcheAge Unchained’s Merv Lee Kwai on housing, RMT, and the future of the game

The announcement of ArcheAge Unchained and its buy-to-play, no-pay-to-win ruleset has been one of the big surprises of the season for the five-year-old MMORPG...
Hello, art discussion prompt.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 239: Astellia ascending

Justin and Bree discuss Astellia, Guild Wars 2, ArcheAge Unchained, WoW, LOTRO, PlanetSide Arena, and Project Gorgon, with a mailbag topic on making gaming more productive (or not).

Gamigo just delayed ArcheAge Unchained – and Shadows Revealed – to October 15

On its afternoon livestream today, Gamigo announced that it's delaying the release of ArcheAge Unchained to October 15th. It was originally scheduled for September...
On-brand, at least.

Twin Saga adds in a new Senshi quest alongside its anniversary event

Gosh, it's been a full three years for Twin Saga? Where does the time go? Well, into the past, and it's time to focus on the...

ArcheAge drops Shadows Revealed graphics video in time for fifth birthday celebrations

ArcheAge is turning five years old in the west today, so Gamigo's just released a tantalizingly pretty video for folks who are curious just...

ArcheAge Unchained’s latest stream covers server count, Steam, and labor

If you missed Friday's ArcheAge stream, then good news for you: The ArcheAge subreddit, which is only slightly more excited for Unchained than the...

Grab an Aura Kingdom gift bundle to celebrate the game’s new Eidolon

Just a few weeks ago, our very own MMO Cartographer took a cozy re-tour of Aura Kingdom, the cute 2013 free-to-play MMO from Aeria...

Trove’s next update, Into the Deep, adds new world bosses and a level 25 class booster

With Trove's server move and three-day outage behind us, we can look ahead to Trove's next big thing - and yes, Gamigo is still...