
Gankboxes are sandboxes that place such an emphasis on unrestricted free-for-all PvP that ganking comes to dominate the entire game, to the detriment of the rest of the world design.

Mortal Online opens the doors to Sarducaa

If you are a Mortal Online player, you were probably in heaven this past weekend, as the game patched in a whole new continent...

CCP Games buys back $20m in bonds, drops Legion trademark

News is circulating in the EVE Online blogs and forum that developer CCP Games has just bought back $20 million in publicly traded bonds....

EVE Evolved: Building your own empire

When CCP announced its far-reaching plans to overhaul EVE Online's territorial warfare gameplay, players were cautiously optimistic but understandably guarded. EVE's old sovereignty system...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: May 16, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Gloria Victis developer Black Eye Games let us know that it's in "the home stretch" in terms of...
Mortal Online

Mortal Online is getting a new continent this weekend

Mortal Online is getting a new continent this Sunday. It's called Sarducca, and it's home to a bunch of soldier fanatics who are loyal...

Gloria Victis prepares to pull the trigger on Unity 5

Those anticipating Gloria Victis' glorious transformation into the new Unity 5 game engine won't have long to wait at all. Black Eye Games said...

The Daily Grind: Do you crave night-and-day cycles in MMOs?

Earlier this week, Daybreak's John Smedley told H1Z1 fans about a metric that startled me: An awful lot of post-apoc gamers are annoyed with night...
THere's a big picture here that you may not be seeing.

The Daily Grind: Would you try a Darkfall reboot?

Yesterday's news regarding the possibility of a classic Darkfall server was pretty great. I loved Aventurine's 2010-era fantasy gankbox, and I'd resubscribe or even repurchase the client...
And now everything will be better forever!

Aventurine is exploring a Darkfall 1.0 reboot

Remember a couple of weeks ago when Aventurine developer axilmar caused a bit of a stir with an informal poll regarding Darkfall's pre-Unholy Wars...

EVE Online’s Matt Woodward defects to Albion Online

EVE Online is less one developer today and Albion Online is richer by one, as Matt Woodward has jumped ship to work on the...

Jukebox Heroes: How Elite: Dangerous’ music put me into a mild coma

You know what gets me righteously angry? I shall tell you. I shall tell you, and then you shall share in my anger, you...

CCP extends EVE PLEX drive for latest Nepal quake

Nepal can't seem to catch a break, as a second major earthquake has devastated the region two weeks after a quake killed over 8,000...

‘No more grind’: PvP sandbox Das Tal launches its Kickstarter

As promised, buy-to-play indie PvP sandbox Das Tal has begun a Kickstarter campaign today to coincide with the launch of the German wing of...
Don't tell me we can't all fireball everyone!

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you wish had turned out differently?

Back in the day I was a big fan of Darkfall. I remember waiting an eternity for the game's 2009 launch, and then I...

Massively Overthinking: The return of ‘consequences’ to MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from Kickstarter donor Antonia "Toni" Phillips aka ToniLyran, who's hit on a sore point with our writers, it...
EVE Online

New EVE dev blog details nullsec and sov changes

If you've got an interest in EVE Online's upcoming changes to nullsec and sovereignty mechanics, and you've got a lot of time, you'll probably...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs still going after ten years

It struck me, very recently, that a decade is a long time for MMOs. If we're going to count Ultima Online as the first proper...

The Stream Team: The dangers of H1Z1 city supply runs

The new H1Z1 fortifications are almost finished, but MassivelyOP's MJ needs more materials. The good news is there is a city next door to...

Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next isn’t ‘vaporware’

Even though the big SOE-to-Daybreak transformation happened three months ago, the entire ordeal still feels fresh to many fans. An air of uncertainty permeates speculation...
Make the things do the stuff.

EVE Online previews 12th anniversary presents for players

Did you know that tomorrow is EVE Online's 12th anniversary? It's pretty old! And as is the tradition these days, the developers are celebrating...