
Gankboxes are sandboxes that place such an emphasis on unrestricted free-for-all PvP that ganking comes to dominate the entire game, to the detriment of the rest of the world design.

Pathfinder Online adding leadership ranks and vaults with version 6

Next week, Pathfinder Online will continue its alpha rollout with the early enrollment version 6 patch. The team posted a features overview yesterday to...
Test pattern.

H1Z1’s senior designer maps out the next 12 months

H1Z1 senior game designer Adam Clegg hosts Daybreak's latest dev spotlight video. Clegg, who works mainly on world design, fields a number of community-generated...

EVE Fanfest will be cold; EVE gets a new artbook

EVE Fanfest 2015 is coming in a little less than a week, and if you can't attend in person, you do have the option...

Crowfall has a ‘few key pieces’ left to explain

ArtCraft has raised over $1.1 million for Crowfall in 14 days. And that's just on Kickstarter! The project has updated with a new video...
This is what it looks like

H1Z1’s latest patch buffs its Battle Royale mode

This morning's H1Z1 publish is now live with its overhaul of the Battle Royale system. Daybreak told followers on Reddit last night that the...

People are still getting scammed for big bucks in EVE Online

You'd think that EVE Online players would have taken the "trust no one" mantra to heart after a decade of news stories about corporation...
Das Tal

Das Tal tweaks player collision, minimap, and more

It's time for another Das Tal dev blog, and this one touches on everything from audio to art to world-building tasks to the UI. The...

H1Z1 video goes behind-the-scenes with motion capture pros

Daybreak released a new behind-the-scenes video focused on H1Z1's motion capture this week. If you like seeing dudes in skin-tight lycra suits with little...
While my definitions were legally accurate...

Darkfall makes ‘massive changes to combat,’ removes chaos banks

Well, Darkfall is blowing itself up again. Aventurine's latest update, titled Darkfall Reload, describes a patch that isn't quite as dramatic as the Unholy...

H1Z1 devs make fun of cheaters in new vid

Have you been banned for cheating in H1Z1? Did you write an angry email to Daybreak expressing your remorse and/or incredulity? If so, you...
Das Tal

Das Tal’s latest dev blog talks bug squashing and upcoming tests

Das Tal's latest dev blog is live, and with it all manner of detail as to what the team's been up to lately. Last month's...

Darkfall’s next patch nerfs fast travel, tweaks mounts

Aventurine is teasing Darkfall's latest patch, which is currently scheduled for the "last week of February." A new clan perks system based on the...