internet spaceships

Harvard Business Review uses EVE Online corps for a study on country of origin and company structure

When the Harvard Business Review wanted to run a study on how people's place of origin affects how they structure a company, it homed...

Elite Dangerous takes its cash shop offline for this week’s currency revamp

It's an odd sort of day for Elite Dangerous, as the Frontier Store has gone dark - but only for a bitsy: It'll return...
Talk talk talk.

EVE Online officially ends its nullsec blackout today

The nullsec communications blackout in EVE Online came with plenty of warning for players, but it was still a surreal experience for veterans when the...

EVE Online will end the nullsec Blackout tomorrow

The first taste of chaos for EVE Online has been the Blackout: a shutdown of chat within nullsec space that has certainly made life...

One Shots: What a view!

When you're visiting a California-class planet like Risa, you definitely need to bring along a few things. You'll want to pack sunscreen, a surprisingly...

Star Trek Online is bringing back the horror-themed Hearts and Minds mission for Friday the 13th

At the time of this story's writing, it is Friday the 13th, which either brings to mind goofy horror monsters, bad luck traditions, or...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online is losing players, and no one can agree on why

Nobody wants to think that a favourite MMO is losing popularity, but with EVE Online now being over 15 years old, it's a possibility...

Inside Star Citizen goes spelunking with a full episode all about patch 3.7’s cave systems

The weekly Inside Star Citizen is once again an episode focusing all on one aspect of the developing game: caves. Covering everything from lighting...

Star Wars Galaxies’ Legends rogue server plans PvP flashpoints and fresh ground/space content

Star Wars Galaxies fans know that the rogue server SWG Legends has been teasing new locales, Bespin and Felucia, for a few months now,...

Interview: Star Trek Online’s Al Rivera on Discovery’s Awakening and beyond

The Federation's past is meeting its future this week with the rollout of Awakening for Star Trek Online. Set in the "present" timeline of...

Star Trek Online Awakening is officially live today, starring Discovery’s Anthony Rapp

Star Trek Online Awakening is formally launching on PC today, with Star Trek Discovery's Anthony Rapp's voice and visage at the helm of the...

Working As Intended: What it means to be an MMORPG

I am amused and somewhat bewildered to admit that I have my very own pet troll. He follows me around on Reddit to hassle...

EVE Online changes the rules for cyno field fitting and makes prettier wormholes in the September update

September's update for EVE Online has officially gone live, which makes some tweaks to what ships can fit cyno field generators and generally makes...

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever collected in an MMO?

Back when original-flavor Star Wars Galaxies was alive, I had a bit of an obsession with Ubese shirts. Essentially, they were sleeveless undershirts that...

Space content for SWGemu is still up in the air as devs say a wipe and launch are still ‘a long ways off’

If you've followed the long-running original-flavor Star Wars Galaxies emu community for any length of time, you are surely aware of the emulator that...
Oh, boo-hoo.

EVE Online offers grief counseling for ship losses and celebrates exploration record

What's the hardest part of EVE Online for new players? It looks like CCP Games is betting that it's the sting when your first ship...
Bless this hot mess.

EVE Online improves star and wormhole textures along with several UI improvements

If you're still using lower shader quality on EVE Online (perhaps you're running the game on extremely outdated hardware as a form of protest), stars...

One Shots: Familiar and welcome lands

Welcome back home! That feels like the sentiment that WoW Classic gave when it launched recently. Players absolutely swarmed to these servers, many of...

Star Citizen explains the roadmap reassignment of salvage, security, and bounty hunter armor

When Star Citizen announced its plans to tweak its development process last week, it also noted that features on the game's roadmap were going...
Not this.

The Game Archaeologist: Is it worth the hassle to update graphics in older MMOs?

"I'd play this game again if the graphics were updated." "If they re-released this game with modern graphics, it would be way more popular." "The Game...