internet spaceships

Ex-Cryptic Studios artist decries ‘harmful’ video game lockbox designs based on slot machines

A 3-D character artist who previously worked at Cryptic Studios on Champions Online and Neverwinter has come out swinging against lockbox mechanics, saying that...

One Shots: Look – but don’t throw

It's pretty common to be frustrated by MMOs showing you things that you can't ever touch or play. Whether it be fantastic races that...

Star Citizen deep-dives development and rewards, promises more info on 3.5.1 ‘soon’

We hope you really wanted to dig down into the guts of Star Citizen this week because on the latest Inside Star Citizen, Cloud...

Massively Overthinking: Unpopular MMORPG opinions

Unpopular opinions: We all have them. In fact we have so many that it's a straight up meme. This week's Massively Overthinking is one...

Elite: Dangerous player finds a program that lets you hack every aspect of your ship

Cheating is bad behavior, but doing it in a sandbox MMO is several orders of magnitude worse. While Elite: Dangerous has certainly done its...
Bless this hot mess.

EVE Online takes steps toward better 64-bit Mac support

If you don't speak development, the fact that EVE Online has deprecated the ccp-master fork and moved to an upstream Wine version for the game's...
Zorp? Phasers don't go zorp.

Star Trek Online’s Rise of Discovery boldly goes onto PC today, consoles June 25

The latest installment in Star Trek Online's ongoing Star Trek: Discovery tie-in story arc, Rise of Discovery, is live on PC today, and what's...

EVE Evolved: What really sets Russian EVE players apart?

One of the most interesting things about EVE Online is the fact that its single shard server forces players from different countries and cultures...
Money talks, but what it says isn't engaging sometimes.

EVE Online releases its monthly economic report for April 2019

It is possible that you are not the target audience for the EVE Online monthly economic report. If you aren't looking forward to frowning with...

Star Trek Online previews the ships of the Section 31 lockbox

Starfleet's ruthlessly goal-focused Section 31 tends to stick in the memories of fans; it's a shadowy organization that seems to be at once everywhere...

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online delves into the mysteries of Yard 39

Star Trek Online is all about the Discovery these days, and in a new lore blog, the team gives some backstory to the mysterious...

EVE Online developer releases pie chart of botter shame

Wilhelm of The Ancient Gaming Noob caught a fun popcorn moment from the EVE Online universe this week, thanks to a delicious pie chart...

Star Citizen’s latest developer video premieres a ‘wheeled warrior of wickedness’

Yesterday when Star Citizen dropped its latest concept ship sale for Concierge players - for the Tumbril Ranger motorcycles - we guessed that not...

Star Citizen’s latest concept ship sale is actually for… motorcycles

When DK tipped me this story, I joked that I could just write "Star Citizen. Motorcycles. $450" and you guys would just go and...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR takes us to Dantooine for the fifth time in a video game

My very first memory of Dantooine was surprisingly its first real appearance in a video game at all. Star Wars Galaxies imagined Dantooine as...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 219: The 64-bit generation

Justin and Bree discuss Blizzard financials, City of Heroes, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, WoW Classic, EVE Online, LOTRO, and Guild Wars, with mailbag topics on Blizzard, everythingboxes, genderlocking, and dad jokes.

Star Trek Online unveils the Discovery Legends Reputation (with minor alterations)

Captain's log, stardate... Tuesday. Point five. With the impending launch of a big update for Star Trek Online, there's also a new reputation on the...

Massively Uplifting: Destigmatizing mental health in games, celebrating loved ones in LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, and Elite

Spring started splendidly this year. While all may not come up roses in the world at large, plenty of good deeds and uplifting stories...

Star Citizens, check your hangars – the recent $0 CCU purge wiped out some valuable chassis

Heads-up if you're a Star Citizen backer: Last week's update to the Cross Chassis Upgrade system has apparently gone awry. That's the system that...

One Shots: A view to a kill

Considering which side of our characters we look at the most, it bewilders me how little customization that MMO designers give to the back...