lord of the rings online

Official Site: Lord of the Rings Online
Studio: Standing Stone Games, formerly Turbine/WB Interactive Entertainment; published by Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: April 24, 2007
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

MassivelyOP’s 2019 Golden Yachties: Schlag meme of the year

MassivelyOP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards end today with our pick for Schlag meme of the year. For those who never dip down into the comments,...

MassivelyOP’s 2019 Golden Yachties: MMO mascot of the year

MassivelyOP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for MMO mascot of the year. If you're wondering what the heck a Golden Yachtie...

Global Chat: The best action RPGs ever

Have you found yourself with some extra time this holiday season and not enough things to click, loot, and wear? Sounds like you need...

The best Massively OP streams of 2019

Massively OP's Stream Team - with MJ and her sidekicks Larry and Chris at the helm - changed up its streaming tactics this year,...

The Daily Grind: If you wanted to sell your friend on an MMO, what would your pitch be?

Our favorite video games tend to make evangelists of us. It's only natural to want to share something you passionately love with your friends,...

Jukebox Heroes: A Charlie Brown MMO Christmas

I don't know if you realized this, but every year Bree asks me to whip up a column of MMO holiday tunes for Christmas....

One Shots: Our favorite MMORPG screenshots of 2019

Occasionally in the past, I've taken the last week or two of the year and featured my personal favorite screenshots that One Shots posters...

LOTRO Legendarium: How did Lord of the Rings Online do in 2019?

When we gave Lord of the Rings Online the award this year for the Most Underrated MMORPG on the market, it came with plenty...
Ho, then when I say so, ho again.

The Massively Overpowered 2019 winter holiday MMO roundup

The holidays are here! Well, most of them are. Some of them might not be. And as is tradition here at Massively Overpowered, we...

The Stream Team: Frosty fun and frolicking in LOTRO’s Frostbluff

Winter is a winner in LOTRO! The Yule Festival is in full swing, and Massively OP's MJ is back in Frostbluff for some fun...
I didn't say zorp.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 251: New World, Magic Legends, and Corepunk

Bree and Justin discuss PlanetSide Arena, New World, Magic Legends, Elder Scrolls Online, Corepunk, Black Desert Mobile, EVE Echoes, WoW, FFXIV, LOTRO, City of Heroes, and SWGL.

Massively OP’s 2019 MMO Video Game Music Awards

Many of us here on the Massively OP staff have our own personal pet projects and interests that might not be as widespread as...

The Daily Grind: What is the best written MMO character?

In the past couple of Lord of the Rings Online expansions, I've noticed that the writing team has kind of created a breakout character...

Ask Mo: The hits and misses of MassivelyOP’s 2019 predictions

The day has come: the day when we look back at last year's predictions for this year and see how we did. Yep, this...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2019

Earlier this week, we granted our formal award for the biggest MMO story of the year. But biggest doesn't necessarily mean best or most...

LOTRO starts Yule Festival, adds more quests to Minas Morgul

Our winner of 2019's Most Underrated MMO is giving its playerbase a winter treat today. Lord of the Rings Online is dropping Update 25.1...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 250: Blue Mage Christmas

Justin and Bree discuss FFXIV, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, ArcheAge Unchained, Temtem, Crowfall, Dual Universe, Elder Scrolls Online, plus the site awards, with mailbag topics on MMO controls and meaningful choices.

Not So Massively: Kingdom Under Fire 2 is ambitious, unique, and deeply flawed

When I first heard about Kingdom Under Fire II by publisher Gameforge, I wasn't sure what to expect. I'd heard that it combined elements...

LOTRO Legendarium: Second breakfasts and the importance of food

Here's an esoteric tidbit for you today: Way back in 2010 when I took over the Lord of the Rings Online column at old...

The Daily Grind: What is the worst-designed MMO quest?

The other night I was working my way through a fairly typical quest in Lord of the Rings Online in which I had to...