lost skies

Lost Skies’ latest dev blog features guns, ship pieces, angry mantas, and squishy materials

The 15th developer blog out of Lost Skies can once again be best summarized as a buffet of assets. Feast your eyes on guns....

Lost Skies shows a snippet of gameplay while it gets ready to send out more beta keys

Grapple with this: The latest development update from Lost Skies is out, with Bossa Studios announcing that it's getting ready to send out another...

Lost Skies showcases creatures, materials, ship progress, and player-built islands

The past couple of weekly dev blogs from the airship PvE sandbox Lost Skies have both been kind of similar in terms of format,...

Lost Skies blogs about more ship parts, hand tools, and creating a ‘shrimpy monstrosity’

Lost Skies, the developing PvE sandbox of airships and floating islands, continues to kick out the dev blog jams, so naturally we're circling back...

Lost Skies shows off work on airship engines, character design, floating islands, tools, and puzzles

If the number of commas used in that headline didn't already clue you in, Bossa Studios' in-development PvE sandbox Lost Skies is hard at...

Lost Skies previews a menagerie of critters in various stages of creation and development

The latest Lost Skies dev blog is out, and instead of taking an extremely close look at a singular deer, it's offering a peek...

Lost Skies is bringing back the beloved Worlds Adrift island creator with new features and tools

While Worlds Adrift dropped many balls over the course of its shambolic release, one of its features that was generally beloved by players was...

Lost Skies provides an extremely granular look at the making of a deer

It's pretty obvious to most people that creating fauna for a game isn't a simple matter of pushing a "make animal good" button and...

Lost Skies takes a closer look at the lore and design of the Saborian civilization

Bossa Studios' still-gestating PvE MMO Lost Skies continues to eagerly share its design, development, and drawings in the second installment of its Skywatch dev...

Bossa shows off Lost Skies’ art and animation development

We're watching Bossa Games' new MMO, Lost Skies, with enthusiasm, owing to the fact that it seems to take all the things we loved...

Betawatch: Bossa in the Skies with Lost

Yes, we're back! And so is Bossa Games, it turns out, with Lost Skies on the way. It's actually very similar to Worlds Adrift,...

Bossa Games is back in the MMO space with Lost Skies, an obviously Worlds Adrift-inspired co-op title

Stop me if you've heard this one: Bossa Games is working on a new multiplayer game with skyships and islands and gliding and rappelling!...