new class

The Stream Team: On the path to AQ3D’s new Oracle class

A new class has just surfaced in AdventureQuest 3D -- the Oracle! Filled to the brim with phenomenal cosmic powers (but not confined to...

Not So Massively: Magic Legends has already made big changes, but there’s more to do

Even as someone who enjoys the game, I have to admit that Magic: Legends had a very rough launch, with numerous polish issues and...

The Stream Team: Moglomancer madness in AdventureQuest 3D

AQ3D just introduced its Moglin "pet" class to the Moglin Kickstarter backers and Massively OP's MJ is so excited to try it! Unfortunately, it...

The Stream Team: Say hello to Black Desert’s Shai

Massively OP's MJ is not a fan of child-like races, but after hearing some good things about Black Desert Online's new Shai class, she's...

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen offers a closer look at the Enchanter class, posts June newsletter

When Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen goes live, I suspect the Enchanter class is the one I would gravitate toward. Its primary functions are...

Blade & Soul Korea teases a new archer class arriving in June

As much fun as magical gun-fu can be with the Blade & Soul Gunslinger, sometimes you want to go back to basics. Back to...

Aion South Korea’s new Graffiti Artist class will paint the town red (and every other color too)

The South Korean version of Aion is getting a new splash of color courtesy of its recently revealed Graffiti Artist class. As MMO Culture...

The Stream Team: It’s land ho with AdventureQuest 3D’s Lolosia

New land ho! Because of a delay, Massively OP's MJ wasn't able to show off AQ3D's new pirate land of Lolosia last week. But...
Blade and Soul, thoughts are all like butterflies, yeah.

Blade & Soul’s Warden’s Fury goes live today, introducing Warden class, Shadowmoor dungeon, and more

Today, Blade & Soul is receiving its newest content update, Warden's Fury, which brings with it Act 9 of the game's main storyline, a...

Blade & Soul gives players a look at the upcoming Warden class and Shadowmoor heroic dungeon

Blade & Soul players, have you ever looked at a sword and thought, "That's great and all, but it just looks far too sensible...
I'm cutting it down.

Black Desert brings out the Dark Knight on March 1st

Good news, fans of knights with requisite darkness! Black Desert is bringing the Dark Knight to local shores on March 1st, allowing everyone in...
Who's a good dog?

Dofus introduces the Ouginak class

Whatever else you might think about Dofus, you have to admit that the game is resistant to pigeonholing. The game's most recent update rolls...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

Blade & Soul’s Soul Fighter update is live today

The Soul Fighter does not actually fight souls in Blade & Soul. No more than any other class, anyhow. It mostly fights with soul,...

The Stream Team: Showing off Black Desert’s new Maehwa class

MassivelyOP's MJ had some specific plans for Black Desert today, but those were all thrown right out the window with the release of the...
Sort of!

Blade & Soul’s Chinese version is getting the Qi Master

There's a little more time before Blade & Soul releases here in North America, but that doesn't mean you can't look forward to the...
You had me and you lost me.

TERA Korea previews its upcoming Elin-only ninja class

It's a safe bet that at some point in the not-too-distant future, you will be able to make an Elin in TERA that runs...
But, see, now I want to play elephant guy.

Korean edition of Blade & Soul gearing up for a new class and more story

Are you worried about the health of Blade & Soul? With any import title, it's easy to wonder if the game is going to...

Trove announces the Revenant class

It's the bloodiest (and blockiest) knight you'll ever see in an MMO: the Revenant. Trove announced its newest class in a post today, saying that...
Oh dear.

TERA is revamping its starting experience

After three years of operation in North America, TERA is overdue for a new starting experience. The most recent producer's letter for the game...
Still proud of this shot.

Perfect Ten: The 10 dev stages of every new MMO class

Any game with classes adds new classes over time. It's almost axiomatic. I don't know why absolutely every game cannot be designed with the...