no man’s sky

Official Site: No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky’s Visions update introduces strange and deadly planets and biomes, new activities, and more

It's been less than a month since the release of No Man's Sky's last major content update, The Abyss, but the folks at Hello...

The Abyss sends No Man’s Sky players to the bottom of the ocean

The next major update for No Man's Sky has arrived, and it's deep. It's really deep. It's deep because its whole thing is about...

MassivelyOP’s guide to MMO Halloween 2018

Whether or not you consider yourself too old to put on that Hulk or Sparkle Twilight costume and prance ("HULK PRANCE") around the neighborhood...

No Man’s Sky announces new update, The Abyss, releasing next week

It's only been a couple of months since the release of No Man's Sky's last named update, NEXT, but it looks like the folks...

No Man’s Sky kicks off its first official community event

No Man's Sky didn't just expand into persistent multiplayer with its NEXT update but also laid down the foundation for regular community events to...

No Man’s Sky works on fixing save game issues, adds archaeology missions

While it's not officially here yet, No Man's Sky's newest patch is making its way through the experimental test server and promises to shore...

One Shots: Sunspears attack!

Which MMO has aged the best in terms of its graphics? While some games have enjoyed the benefits of visual upgrades, I have to...

SuperData July 2018: Fortnite is peaking, League of Legends is bested, Overwatch is slipping

"Fortnite’s peak may be behind us," SuperData asserts in its report on July 2018's global video game revenues. "Fortnite revenue is up only 2%...

The Daily Grind: Do you have an MMO backlog, and if so, what’s on it?

If you follow the mainstream gaming media meta at all, you've probably noticed that a lot of sites, spurred on by Polygon, have been mulling...

Global Chat: Is it worth your time to alpha test MMOs?

Taugrim raises a very interesting question this week on his blog. Namely, is it really worth your time to alpha test MMOs these days?...
Mean elf.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 181: Some devs just want to watch the world tree burn

Justin and Bree discuss World of Warcraft's lore drama, Star Citizen's stockpiling controversy, DDO's new expansion, Riot's MMO tease, Albion's Merlyn, and TESO's DLC, with mailbag entry on the Horde impact and SC's pay-to-win.

One Shots: Motion sickness

Our headlining picture today comes with a request for some help, so we're calling all Warframe players to give their aid! "So I finally decided...

One Shots: Dancing in the dark

When the lights go down, the party animals come out, dancing to their dark gods and eating all of the really good snacks before...

The Daily Grind: Do you tilt toward sci-fi or fantasy in your MMOs?

I always found it weird that bookstores always shoved science fiction and fantasy subgenres together, kind of like a "here's a general section for...

GOG offers No Man’s Sky refunds after players discover that multiplayer won’t come for months yet

As you may have seen, No Man's Sky is back in the spotlight thanks to this week's massive NEXT multiplayer update. However, not all players...
Beyond what, exactly?

No Man’s Sky’s concurrency is waaaaaaay up since the launch of NEXT

Can't take the sky from No Man's Sky. It's built right into the name, see. You can take the game from Green Man Gaming...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 179: MMO parenting fails

Justin and Bree discuss Star Wars Galaxies Legends, World of Warcraft, Elite Dangerous, LOTRO's Weatherstock, Trion's layoffs, No Man's Sky's multiplayer, DDO, and Wizard 101 updates, with mailbag entries on how to start an MMO blog and spooky stuff in Guild Wars 2.

‘Full multiplayer experience’ flies into No Man’s Sky today

There's no reason to explore the galaxy solo, thanks to today's massive No Man's Sky NEXT update. The "full multiplayer experience" has finally arrived...

Sean Murray explains No Man’s Sky’s multiplayer, promises weekly content season and better communication

If you're itching to play No Man's Sky after seeing its NEXT teaser trailer last week, then you should probably point your eyeballs back...

No Man’s Sky received death threats over butterflies

On the verge of expanding into a full multiplayer experience, No Man's Sky has rocketed back into the spotlight with July 24th's NEXT update....