Official Site: No Man’s Sky
no man’s sky
No Man’s Sky is getting a new Windows 10 version and arrives on Game Pass for Xbox One in June
There's a lot more to recommend No Man's Sky at this point than there was when it first launched, by all estimations. The game has...
Global Chat: Just say ‘no’ to coin weight!
When Pantheon recently announced that it would be adding coin weight to its inventory management system, little did the devs know that they were...
No Man’s Sky just patched in the Exo Mech update, confirming leaked video
You can have plenty of neat stuff in No Man's Sky. You can have your own custom base. You can have a frigate and...
The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs that don’t deserve second chances?
MOP reader Steve recently posed us an interesting question: Is it time for gamers to stop giving second chances to bungled MMOs and live...
No Man’s Sky adds new plants for bases and bobbleheads for spaceships
Space can be a lonely place in No Man's Sky, even if there is a multiplayer hub now. For those spans where you're traveling...
No Man’s Sky’s Living Ship update adds organic, growable, psychedelic starships
It's patch day for No Man's Sky, the game that launched as a not-MMO mess and has pumped out so much epic content in...
The Internet Historian takes a look at the fall and rise of No Man’s Sky (and reads a racy Sean Murray fanfic)
Just how far has No Man's Sky come since its disastrous launch? It's one thing for someone to do all of the research on...
Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for MMOs in 2020
All right, 2019. We're done with you. We're moving on. We're in a whole new decade. We've got a brand-new year full of new...
Perfect Ten: The best MMO updates and expansions of 2019
The down side of doing these columns at the end of the year every year is that there's a certain challenge of writing the...
Steam’s top sellers of 2019 include several MMORPGs and MMOs
Steam's top sellers list for 2019 is out, and sitting prominently among the big money makers for the digital storefront are a number of...
Vague Patch Notes: My wrecked treasure in No Man’s Sky
She was dubbed the Tender Claw C27, and I found her upside-down and half-buried in the ground beside the final beacon of the tutorial...
No Man’s Sky introduces music creation with the ByteBeat device
Just because you're in a big lonely void of space doesn't mean you can't fill the emptiness with incredibly fresh beats. The latest patch...
Massively OP’s 2019 Awards: Not-So-Massively Game of the Year
Massively Overpowered’s end-of-the-year 2019 awards continue today with our award for Not-So-Massively Game of the Year, which was awarded to Warframe last year. The games...
Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2019
It's long-since become a multi-year and fun tradition on Massively OP to do an end-of-year recap of the best and worst MMO dev quotes...
No Man’s Sky launches significant quality-of-life improvements and new features in tomorrow’s Synthesis update
Where the Beyond update in No Man's Sky changed the game, the upcoming Synthesis update will refine it. This new large-scale update for the...
No Man’s Sky kicks off a new community research event and fixes numerous bugs in Update 2.12
There's a fresh update for the (now) multiplayer sci-fi survival sandbox No Man's Sky that provides a reason for more people to come together...
The MOP Up: Plants vs. Zombies goes multiplayer
Do you remember that quirky personality-filled Plants vs. Zombies lane defense game from way back when? Popcap has been expanding that series franchise ever...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 234: ArcheAge’s game changer
Justin and Bree discuss ArcheAge Unchained, WoW Classic, No Man's Sky, DDO, Neverwinter, and Elder Scrolls Online, with mailbag topics on the future of MMOs and the silent majority MMO playerbase.
Choose My Adventure: Rediscovering the simple joy of flight in No Man’s Sky
Boy is it good to be back here.
I'll be honest, not much of what I did while flying around in No Man's Sky was...
Remember the No Man’s Sky player-funded billboard? It’s up now!
Back in June, we covered a heart-warming story out of the No Man's Sky community, as player sought to raise money on a GoFundMe...