
Not So Massively: Hearthstone’s MagicAmy drama; Riot rules on SpectateFaker

Riot Games President Marc Merill says he regrets comments made in the heat of the moment regarding the recent SpectateFaker controversy. Riot issued its...

Star Trek Online’s new sector space looks beautiful

The walls of sector space are coming down in Star Trek Online, creating a more wide-open galaxy for captains to explore. But what will...
Are you not entertained?

Wisdom of Nym: Gold Saucer impressions in Final Fantasy XIV

After a madcap week, I got to come home to the Gold Saucer. Traveling to Seattle on short notice was a mixture of the...

Guild Wars 2 elaborates on camera improvements

Forget the living world; it may be that finally allowing players to zoom into a first-person view will be the most significant event that's...

Rumor: Hearthstone may be prepping a Blackrock Mountain adventure

What's next for the ever-hot Hearthstone? Hearthhead reported that a data mining expedition has uncovered references to Blackrock Mountain dungeon cards, meaning that card...

Shadowrun Online lands physical distributor, adds February patch

Shadowrun Online's future prospects as a sustainable title have gone up sharply now that the game has found a physical distributor. Cliffhanger Productions signed...

Guild Wars 2 will implement first-person POV in March

File this one under things we didn't see coming: ArenaNet has just announced that it will fulfill a long-running fan request by adding a first-person point-of-view...

SMITE adds the warrior Bellona to the fray

SMITE has taken another giant step forward as the MOBA has introduced its first true female warrior to the champion pantheon. Bellona is a take-no-prisoners...

League of Legends adds Bard, the Wandering Caretaker

Do you like roaming around and picking up random junk on the ground? Then you might be the perfect player type to handle League...

Guild Wars 2 allows you to preview locked dyes

Want to know exactly how that new dye is going to look before you drop some serious money on it? Guild Wars 2 understands,...

Skycastles take flight in TERA’s newest patch

Hope you're not afraid of heights, for skycastles have arrived in TERA. The gravity-defying guild houses are just part of yesterday's Patch 30.09. Guilds won't...

World of Warcraft goes live with Patch 6.1

It may be one of World of Warcraft's smaller content updates, but Patch 6.1 still squeaks into that category with several quality-of-life improvements to...

Final Fantasy XIV’s gold saucer patch is live

In its bid to prove that it's got wacky in spades, Final Fantasy XIV has launched the much-anticipated 2.51 patch, an unassuming name for...

Not So Massively: LoL’s streaming controversy, Star Citizen’s mining, and Diablo III’s microtransactions

The League of Legends community is in an uproar this week over a dispute regarding who owns the gameplay in a League of Legends...

Order and Chaos Online update adds dungeon, wheel of fortune

It doesn't look like peace is coming any time soon to Order & Chaos Online. In fact, a fallen angel named Annemone has invaded...
Looking closer.

WoW Factor: The Iron Docks and the bare level cap

I really didn't want Massively Overpowered's inaugural column about World of Warcraft to focus on the negatives. But I can't in good conscience ignore the...

EVE Evolved: Exploring EVE’s ‘new opportunities’

This week saw the first concrete reveal of EVE Online's potentially revolutionary new Opportunities system, which promises to replace the current tutorial with a...
She's still got heels on, because of course she does. And the other armor set is barely scraps covering a woman's nether regions, because of course it is.

Diablo III previews the armor, powers, and rift improvements of patch 2.2

Diablo III's next major patch is a quality-of-life patch, meaning that it's not going to come with a huge influx of new content. If...

Otherland beta test focuses on server stability

Otherland continues its trek back to public consciousness and notability after being dropped by Real-U and picked back up by Drago. Currently, the multi-world...

WoW’s Iron Docks have been delayed to patch 6.2

Are you looking forward to the Iron Docks quests in World of Warcraft's patch 6.1? Even though they haven't been mentioned in any patch...