
ArcheAge begins testing its Legends Return update

With dragon taming and a new time-locked fresh start server, ArcheAge's Legends Return update is of keen interest to fans of the fantasy sandbox....

GDC 2018: ARK Park’s Snail Games on VR, science, and the future of the franchise

As you may recall, I was given just a little time to hit up Snail Games' ARK Park a few days before I left for GDC...
If you already have these, too bad, I guess.

Star Wars: The Old Republic gives all its subscribers two companions

Do you enjoy having companions who are primarily interested in following the money? Because that's what Star Wars: The Old Republic is offering subscribers...

Easter bunny headgear and a new survival mode keep Warframe lively

A new patch of fun odds and ends is roaming while in Warframe this week. There's plenty to check out here, too: new skins,...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XI gets ready for an April update

If you were worried that the end of the fiscal year meant the end of Final Fantasy XI updates, we're happy to report that...

Ultima Online’s F2P trial is coming in early April while DAOC hotfixes classes

The Ultima Online team is hard at work "crushing bugs" and preparing for the launch of Endless Journey. The free-to-play Publish 99 is being...

Tamriel Infinium: Where did the Elder Scroll Online Summerset come from?

Even though I don't believe that Summerset was the best choice for the next expansion for the Elder Scrolls Online, that doesn't mean that...
Punch punch punch and nothing changes.

World of Warcraft improves questing limits and hints at new emotes in Battle for Azeroth

The limit of 25 active quests in World of Warcraft isn't so bad, so long as you never forget to abandon old quests, always...
Ride erry day

The Elder Scrolls Online is including daily login rewards with the Summerset release

If you were sitting with rapt attention when The Elder Scrolls Online announced its next expansion, you probably caught a pretty thorough list of...
Big empty.

No Man’s Sky announces free ‘NEXT’ update for all platforms – yes, Xbox One too

Ahead of an apparent impending leak, Hello Games' Sean Murray dropped a "small announcement" about No Man's Sky this morning. "Coming in Summer 2018 is...

Guild Wars 2 honors dearly departed MMO blogger Zach ‘Ravious’ Best with in-game quest

Last October, we were devastated to report that MMO blogger Zach "Ravious" Best had passed away at the young age of 36, taken by...
Can we back this story up, like, a million steps?

Flyff brings around the second part of the Turning Point update

The new Turning Point part 2 update for Flyff brings to mind several questions. For example, is this a subsequent turning point after a...
Still crazy after all these years.

Dungeons and Dragons Online preps Disciples of Rage adventure pack

The next adventure pack for Dungeons and Dragons Online is undergoing testing and polish right now, as Standing Stone Games teases players with a...

Path of Exile is heavily revamping a bunch of skills this summer

Path of Exile fans should block out June in their calendar, as Grinding Gear has big plans for the game this summer starting with...
I return to KICK YOUR ASS.

Heroes of the Storm introduces Fenix and StarCraft anniversary content

The anniversary of the original StarCraft is getting celebrated in multiple games, and Heroes of the Storm is outright bringing one of its major...

Black Desert rolls out egg hunt, April Fools’ Day event, and new food

Did I not say MMO April Fools' Day was starting early because of the holiday's rude and inconvenient weekend timing this year? Black Desert's...

GDC 2018: Ultima Online post-mortem with Richard Garriott, Starr Long, Raph Koster, and Rich Vogel

Plenty of panels at GDC are recorded and uploaded to the internet weeks after the event, including this one. It's not quite the same...

Sea of Thieves patches in performance improvements, promises to get everyone in to play as it breaks 2M players

One week after launch, Sea of Thieves is sailing the choppy ocean of live operation with two million players already. The developers uploaded an...
Maybe I can hammer it into working well?

RIFT is tweaking ability performance to address area impact

There's a bit of a problem that's turning up on RIFT, both the Prime server and the live servers. That problem? Some abilities just...
Don't care, bored.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth adds new Blood Elf eyes and new models with its latest build

Blood Elf Paladins in World of Warcraft are drawing upon the power of the Sunwell, but they still have the same fel-green eyes as...