The Elder Scrolls Online is including daily login rewards with the Summerset release

Ride erry day
If you were sitting with rapt attention when The Elder Scrolls Online announced its next expansion, you probably caught a pretty thorough list of the expansion features when that happened. But the features of the accompanying game update might have been missed before now, and that contains an important bit of information. Daily login rewards are coming to the game with the launch of Update 18, with players getting a bundle of stuff just for showing up on a daily basis.

The promised rewards could be anything from crafting items to Crown Crates, although it’s not yet clear whether the rewards will be randomized or based on frequency of logging in. There will also be new daily rewards for the first Battleground you complete per day, giving you a bit more reason to log in and do something on the regular. It’s easy to miss it amidst the expansion feature list, but it’s a pretty important change just the same.

Source: Official Site via Reddit
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