Perfect Ten: 10 of the worst launches in MMO history
Launch time is a difficult time for every MMO, and honestly, I have nothing but sympathy for the teams launching a new game at...
Perfect Ten: Times when MMOs brought about world-shattering cataclysms
The notion of an in-game cataclysm is hardly the sole domain of Activision-Blizzard; on the contrary, large-scale apocalypses pop up all the time in...
Fallout 76 gets oddly presidential with next week’s Season 14
For those who flee to video games to avoid real world political news, then you'll be glad to hear that the political scene is...
EG7 Q2 2023: Daybreak’s MMORPGs are ‘predictably stable’
It's starting to look as if the Daybreak-run EG7 conglom is finally at the end of its bonkers revenue run: According to the Swedish...
RIFT’s hellbug invasion from Defiance returns with a bounty of rewards
Yes, we're still quite curious what Gamigo's intentions for Trion Worlds' cast-off RIFT may be, but in the meanwhile, we don't begrudge the MMO...
Perfect Ten: MMOs that ghosted us after talking a big game
There's nothing worse as a fan of games to buy into all of the hype and previews of a promising-looking project only to see...
Perfect Ten: Get out of my dreams and get into my (MMO) car
Cars. They go vroom-vroom, and then they go really fast, and how do we live in a country where you basically need a car...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Wrapping up the End of Dragons era with What Lies Within
It's the end of an era: Guild Wars 2's End of Dragons era of content comes to a close with today's episode, titled What...
Post-apocalyptic MMO shooter Ashfall opens registrations for July’s closed beta
Announced last fall, Ashfall raised some curious eyebrows with its post-apocalyptic "adventure shooter MMORPG" format. We've only heard a little bit about it since...
Eden Eternal returns in May under new management after being killed in 2021
It's not every day that a gaming studio shutters three MMORPGs in one go, but this happened back in February 2021 when Gamigo closed...
Destiny 2 Season of Defiance mid-season update buffs a bunch of weapons in PvE
Dang, it seems like Destiny 2's Season of Defiance just started, and Bungie's already rolling out its mid-season update. Gonna need time to slow...
Fallen Earth Classic shows it has a pulse with St. Patrick’s Day event
Don't count the rebooted "classic" version of Fallen Earth out quite yet. The post-apocalypse MMORPG hasn't missed an opportunity to celebrate major holiday events...
Perfect Ten: 10 franchises that deserve another shot at an MMO
Some experiments are attempted once and fail, and it's not hard to figure out why that didn't work. We don't really need to take...
The Daily Grind: Are lifetime MMO subs ever worth it?
I've more than once told the story about my guildie who bought a lifetime sub to Hellgate London (oh no). And I've personally never...
Destiny 2’s Lightfall and Season of Defiance are officially live
It's finally here: Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion is officially live as of this afternoon, on every dang platform the game works on, along with...
Final Fantasy XI celebrates the doll festival on February 27
What is the real meaning of the adventure in Final Fantasy XI? Is it the friends you made along the way? A statement of...
EG7 Q4 2022: Revenues are up thanks to mobile as LOTRO sees ‘mainstream resurgence’
Enad Global 7's Q4 2022 investor report dropped over the weekend, with a recap of the year for Swedish games corp EG7 and its...
Gamigo shuffles out RIFT’s old Hellbugs event for the Lunar New Year weekend
Gamigo's been a bit of a mess the last couple of months, and by all accounts RIFT's last community manager was let go earlier...
Vague Patch Notes: Stop taking your released MMOs back to the drawing board
This is not a column about Kingshunt, but it is. It's not a column about Crowfall or Deathverse: Let it Die or even Crucible....
End-of-Year Eleven: The top MMOs to watch in 2023
You know how some people like to push this narrative that "MMOs are dying?" If that were actually true, then my job to round...