
The Alliance War is coming to The Elder Scrolls Legends trading card game

The Ruby Throne is up for grabs in this new look at the Alliance War in Elder Scrolls Legends. The trading card game is...

Elder Scrolls Online celebrates five years with events and Indriks

Every year, Elder Scrolls Online celebrates its birthday with a Jubilee Cake and events. This year those events will include giving players outfits that...
So... we cool, huh? We cool?

Wisdom of Nym: Thoughts on the end of Final Fantasy XIV’s 4.x story

So now we've gotten the ending. And... gosh, sometimes these patches really do not merit splitting up, which is kind of the case for Final Fantasy...
It's a jumping-off point.

Final Fantasy XIV brings back Hatching-tide on April 9

The war at the Ala Mhigan border has spun into a stalemate, there's the promise of having to travel to the First, and there...

Not So Massively: The Division 2 has more stuff than personality

The Division was a game with a number of flaws, but one thing it did very well was present an incredibly detailed, realistic, and...
Everything's about proper literacy with you!

Wisdom of Nym: All of the shards in Final Fantasy XIV

Look, the date of this article is a complete coincidence. Obviously, we're going to the First in Final Fantasy XIV's next expansion. We know that...

The Elder Scrolls Online takes home inaugural GLAAD award for Outstanding Video Game

This is not a joke whatsoever: LGBTQ media-advocacy organization GLAAD has awarded The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset with its first-ever award for Outstanding Video...
Are you a door or not?!

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida is overseeing a new project that may very well be another big online game

We don't know what it will include. We don't know when it will be released. We don't even have a title. What we do have...
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

Massively Overpowered feature patch notes for April Oneth

Here at Massively Overpowered, we're always doing our best to make use of our staff's particular talents. We make sure to have Justin saying...

The MOP Up: Warframe descends to Deck 12 on consoles

Warframe's Deck 12 has unlocked for console players -- and there are deep, dark secrets to be uncovered by descending to it. "Now is the...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Global Chat: Looking back at 20 years of EverQuest

EverQuest's 20th anniversary isn't going unnoticed and unobserved in the gaming community this month. In fact, several MMO bloggers have raised a glass to...

One Shots: CatDog, CatDog

The second I saw Hirku's picture of his Warframe pet, the lyrics of Nickelodeon's CatDog came to mind: One fine day with a woof...

Final Fantasy XIV preps for its European data center split starting on April 2nd

It's not the launch of the third Final Fantasy XIV expansion, but the splitting of the European and North American data centers is one of...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts on the holy trinity in MMOs

One of MOP's bright new columnists, Tyler Edwards, blogs over at Superior Realities, and he recently brought to my attention his pieces on the...

SHAZAM! Justice League Dark has landed in DC Universe Online today

It's time for the anti-heroes to jump to the forefront. Daybreak added Episode 34: Justice League Dark to DC Universe Online. It's no accident...

Warframe of Mind: Celebrating six years of Space Ninja history

Happy birthday! Warframe commemorated its sixth anniversary this week (or last week, depending on which date you go by), and that means it's time...

The Division 2 gets a new Stronghold and World Tier on April 5

For those who have blitzed through The Division 2's current content to the top of the endgame heap... how? Do you blink? Are you...
More yay, but also less.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida is taking fan feedback into account for Hrothgar and Viera

There are a lot of people excited to play Viera and Hrothgar in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. There are also a lot of people...

Torchlight Frontiers’ time-limited contracts are its version of seasons

The crew over at Echtra Games isn't hellbent on reinventing the MMOARPG format, but instead it is concentrating on taking what works in similar...

Desert Oasis: Reframing player perceptions of Pearl Abyss’ MMO Black Desert

Hello and welcome to our revival of the Black Desert column! The Desert Nomad decided it was time to reroll for the new meta, and...