
Never go on Reddit.

Black Desert’s Russian beta starts October 12

Can you read Russian? Me neither, but I can read Reddit as well as the big date on the top of Black Desert's Russian...

Guild Chat: Creating a solo-friendly MMO guild

Welcome along to another instalment of Guild Chat, my own cozy wee corner of Massively OP in which I help readers in need with...

PlanetSide 2 may give players a continent to settle

The future of PlanetSide 2 is racing toward the community at a rapid pace according to a new developer Q&A that was hosted on Reddit yesterday. One...

Drew Karpyshyn returns to write for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Veteran BioWare writer Drew Karpyshyn is back with the studio after leaving to pen several Star Wars novels. On his personal blog, Karpyshyn confirmed that he's...

Star Citizen is safe from the FTC so far, letter to backer suggests

If you were worried that a certain Internet Warlord's crusade against Star Citizen might make it to the feds, you can breathe a little...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO studios host their own forums and wikis?

Massively OP Kickstarter donor DPandaren wants to talk about something every MMO player likely uses but most of us take for granted: forums and wikis. "Do...
On the other hand, you could just release this again.

Guild Wars 2 player finds himself trapped in the Super Adventure Box

Players in Guild Wars 2 have been eagerly awaiting the return of the Super Adventure Box content more or less since the moment it...
Springtime for ArcheAge.

ArcheAge adds $250 item pack to its store

Sometimes everything comes down to timing. Take ArcheAge's latest store pack, for example. In and of itself it's just a $250 pack, which is...

Atom Universe takes the theme park model literally

The metaphor of the MMO as a theme park has been used heavily over the years, but in the case of Atom Universe, it's...

Host your own sandbox with Wurm Unlimited on Steam

Code Club has just announced a new phase in development for fantasy sandbox Wurm Online: Wurm Unlimited. Arriving on Steam on October 21st, Wurm Unlimited "allows...

Final Fantasy XIV demos ‘VR Titan Suppression Battle’ at Tokyo Game Show

If you happen to be in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show this week, make sure to drop by the Sony booth to gawk, as...

Destiny launches The Taken King

If there's a rash of unexplained office and school absences today, it might be the fault of Destiny: The Taken King. The massive update...

The Daily Grind: Would you play an MMO with antagonistic GMs?

Whenever we're reminiscing about the glory days of MMOs, we invariably bring up the prevalence of events and GMs in those classic games. What...

Guild Wars 2 teases another elite spec

ArenaNet teased what appears to be another Guild Wars 2 elite spec via the game's Facebook page this afternoon. Oh, and this is probably...

ArcheAge’s heroes have finally awoken

Did you miss the ArcheAge clusterfudge over the weekend? After two days of preparation offline, the servers came back up Saturday only to crash...

The MOP Up: Ultima Online’s new home

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Mythros builds an MMO out of Minecraft

We've certainly been witnessing a rise of Minecraft-inspired MMOs over the past year, including Trove and SkySaga. Now there's an MMO that actually uses...

League of Legends gives ‘fresh start’ to chat offenders

League of Legends rulebreakers who were dismayed to learn that they wouldn't be receiving any rewards for ranked play at the conclusion of season...

Kingdom of Loathing mulls mobile version and spin-off, prepares for annual convention

There's a lot going on for the punny browser game Kingdom of Loathing, so let's bring you up to date on all of the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raiding factsheet

If you're anything like me, you'll have been bursting at the seams to find out what shape the promised "challenging group content" will take...