
Never go on Reddit.

Even Blizzard was amused by the URL prankster who forwarded Diablo fans to Path of Exile

One of the fun sideshows going on during the whole BlizzCon Diablo Immortal center-ring fiasco was the dude who bought the domain and...

Star Trek Online community stands divided over a Reddit protest targeting game issues

The Star Trek Online community is in uproar today after a popular subreddit was taken private by its mods in protest over problems with...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen hits $200M in crowdfunds, Reddit drama ensues

This week week in MMO crowdfunding, Star Citizen officially broke the $200 million barrier for total funding collected from the proverbial crowd. That's a...
Hey, I duped that fair and square!

Fallout 76’s launch marks the start of a post-nuclear multiplayer adventure

The latest chapter in the popular Fallout series is finally here, as Fallout 76 has launched globally. This prequel game brings a different take...
Reckon that's a bit pointless.

Shoot, shoot, shoot, bullet, bullet, gun! Ashe – and B.O.B. – are live in Overwatch

As I type this article, my husband's in Overwatch playing Ashe. In fact, he's in an arcade mode where literally everyone is playing Ashe,...

Star Citizen’s alpha patch 3.3.5 introduces game’s ‘first planetary location,’ Hurston

Star Citizen's latest alpha patch is now available on the public test server for Concierge and Subscriber players as well as the Evocati Test...

‘Tenno Against Crunch’: Warframe players urge devs not to overwork on updates

Here's a feel-good story to cap off your Veteran's Day whether you're stuck working or not: Warframe players on Reddit last week begged Digital...

Fallout 76 beta: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

Did you think it was possible for the bugs plaguing the no-wipe beta of Fallout 76 to get any worse? O ye, of little...

Elite Dangerous updates Beyond: Chapter Four beta build, announces Extra Life event plans

It's the second week of beta testing for the next update to Frontier Developments's online space sim Elite Dangerous, Beyond: Chapter Four, and this...

Bethsoft says it’s working on addressing Fallout 76’s many bugs, including the nastier exploits

I'm surprising no one by saying that Fallout 76's beta thus far has been a mess. We've seen report after report on the bugs...

Fallout 76 still has lots of fun hacks that are being tracked down

What do you get when you combine a company legendary for its ability to release buggy or unpolished games and an online game with...
This must be a definition of the word instant I was not previously acquainted with.

Guild Wars 2 is overhauling runes and sigils and making them salvageable in next week’s patch

If you're one of those weirdos who loves having an inventory overflowing with crap (hi MJ!), then I'm sorry to report that ArenaNet is...

Elite Dangerous’ player-run Fuel Rats have rescued 50,000 stranded pilots to date

One of the worst things that can happen to a pilot in Elite Dangerous is that you run out of fuel in the deep...

LOTRO Legendarium: Six ways to prep for legendary servers

With progression servers on the way for... sometime... this month, many players (myself included) are planning out their brand-new adventures through Middle-earth. There's certainly...

BlizzCon 2018: Diablo fans go into full-fledged meltdown mode over Immortal

It's hard to imagine a more perfect storm of nerdrage than the one that Blizzard concocted at BlizzCon this Friday. Sorely neglected Diablo fans...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: When long-term progress in World of Warcraft isn’t

"When even the vanishingly tiny playerbase of your game that you've been catering to for years is getting tired... what's going to happen to your game?"

Ashes of Creation announces Apocalypse, its free-to-play battle royale test mode

Over the last couple of months, Intrepid Studios has been talking up Ashes of Creation's alpha one, which was set to include a battle...

Black Desert: DDOS attacks, South Korean lawsuit, and Halloween

If you've been having problems with your Black Desert server crashing this week, you're not alone. Kakao seems to be suffering a wave of...

Red Dead Redemption 2 posts a record-breaking weekend while possibly sneaking in a crunch reference

It's hardly a surprise that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a successful game, but let's just quantify that by noting that the game is...

New World leaks make it sound more and more like a real MMO sandbox, not a survival game

The weird thing - or clever thing - about Amazon Game Studios' New World alpha is that seemingly everyone is in it, so nobody...