
One Shots: Pledging Trekkie Trekkie Trekkie

So you know how Star Trek claims that it has a functioning futuristic society without money? Somehow? That's made me overthink how Starfleet Academy...

One Shots: The life of fish people

Indentured servitude is something that Final Fantasy XIV likes to introduce to its players, such as poor Scott, who discovered that he's in for...

One Shots: Rising sun, setting slaughter

"After a short break from Final Fantasy XIV, I’m back with my /gpose addiction," reader Josh said. Josh, you're breaking our hearts here. We thought...

One Shots: Bring your poor, your tired, your zombies

For a while now, IronSalamander's been taking amazing pictures of the colorful and stylish Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville, but I think today's...

One Shots: Don’t stare directly at the book

In most games, a book is a dumping ground for ignored lore or, at best, a prop to make you look extra-nerdy for all...

One Shots: Cooking with arsenic

In the apocalypse, cooking shows are a lot weirder -- and deadlier. But just because your co-host accidentally drank that bubbling green liquid and...

One Shots: Rock out in your hideout

I don't have a full-blown lair, unless my work office counts, but if I did, I would aspire to put it someplace really cool....

One Shots: Disco dunking

Just because the career possibilities are limited for monsters with gigantism who have rage issues doesn't mean that they don't have feelings. Passions. A...

One Shots: Spit take

If my experience with that giant camel at Aladdin's Flying Carpets at Disney World is any indication, all dromedaries are jerks that want to...

One Shots: Watch where you’re waving that thing!

Several Christmases ago, my mother actually bought me a giant pirate sword that was very metal and very, very sharp. I instantly became terrified...

One Shots: Amnesia and shipwrecks at level one

Utakata's shot of a "quiet earth" in Blade and Soul here is not from the starting area (I'm assuming!), but it definitely makes me...

One Shots: Unholy abominations

We may view them as horrible monsters who are standing between us and our precious loot, but have you ever considered life -- such...

One Shots: When nerfing goes too far

We've all seen classes and gear hit with the nerf bat from time to time in MMOs -- hey, it's a fact of life!...

One Shots: Bow before Zuul!

We've all certainly met plenty of kings, queens, and other rulers in MMOs, and as a greater community, we've come to one unified opinion...

One Shots: Chilla with my gorilla

It's always a parade of fluffy, furry, and feathery friends when One Shots asks readers to share their favorite pets, and today is no...

One Shots: Showing up to play hard

It's always a great feeling when you know you're not alone when facing great challenges in your life -- or in your video games....

One Shots: Avoid these vacation destinations

When you're planning your summer MMO vacation, there will be a lot of places bidding for your time and gold. But not every resort...

One Shots: The ultimate tree house

When I asked for pictures of plant houses in online games, I wasn't quite expecting that notion to sprout and grow into this tremendous...

One Shots: Eyes on the prize

When you're such an amazing archer, you don't have to look at your target. When you're an expert at the bow, you can shoot...

One Shots: Private retreats

Where do you go to get away from it all in an MMORPG? If you look hard enough, you might find a special private...