Official Site: Second Life
Studio: Linden Lab
Launch Date: June 23, 2003
Genre: Real-Life Sandbox
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Mac, Linux
second life
Massively OP Podcast Episode 396: Crowfalling
Justin and Bree discuss Crowfall, Blue Protocol, SWTOR, New World, Q3 2022 financials (for Blizzard, Pearl Abyss, Square Enix, NCsoft), and new patches (for DDO, Neverwinter, Blade and Soul, EVE Online, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online), with a mailbag topic covering Shadowbane, Second Live, Secret World, and Ultima Online.
MMO Business Roundup: Blizzard Albany’s union, BioWare Pride, Sony’s antitrust lawsuit, and the P2E ‘hustle’
Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news. Business business business!
Activision-Blizzard: Another group of QA testers within Activision-Blizzard have announced they're...
GDC 2022: Control, revenue, scarcity, ethics, and the human challenges of the gaming ‘metaverse’
While some panels at GDC 2022 have been deeply disappointing, the panel titled "A Brave New (Virtual) World: Ethics and Governance of XR and...
Second Life’s original founder rejoins the project to create the ultimate metaverse
I swear, every time I have to write the word "metaverse" these days, a part of my soul dies and my eyes get a...
Red Dead Online’s shabby first update of 2022 sparks community movement to save the game
At the end of last week, Red Dead Online kicked out an update that ended up being nothing more than a series of boosts...
Second Life’s Philip Rosedale is skeptical about the promises of the metaverse
Let's not kid ourselves, everyone: Second Life was doing the metaverse thing before the metaverse was cool. It's basically entirely built around the idea of...
Massively Overthinking: MMO ideas that were ahead of their time
I'm gonna say something wild right now: In some ways, CliffyB was ahead of his time. My husband and I came to this realization...
Roblox’s shameless exploitation of child labor is why we can’t have nice things
I didn't think I'd be back so soon writing "Roblox" and "this is why we can't have nice things" in the same post two...
Into the Super-verse: First impressions of Ship of Heroes’ mission beta
With other City of Heroes spiritual successors lagging behind in development, the weight of our hope for the future of superhero MMOs lays upon...
Second Life turns 18 years old this week, counting 70M lifetime accounts
I'm gonna say the M word in this post, and I'm sorry, but metaverse metaverse metaverse. That's because Second Life is back in the...
Second Life’s CEO, Ebbe Altberg, has passed away
We're terribly sorry to report that Second Life CEO Ebbe Altberg has passed away after a long illness. Linden Lab posted the news to...
One Shots: Flowers love the sun more than you do
Mental note: If I ever want the legions of readers to flood our One Shots comments with submissions, I merely need to ask for...
Preserving Worlds documentary chronicles the histories and communities of ancient MMOs
While most of the writers at MOP support online games preservation through responsible methods, the ideal situation would be the ability to visit shutdown...
The Office stars talk about the making of the Second Life episode
Fans of NBC's The Office probably remember the 2007 episode "Local Ad" where the Dunder Mifflin team made a commercial for the Scranton branch....
The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2020
Fun fact: The first Daily Grind on Massively was written on November 3rd, 2007, one day after Old Massively transitioned from a Second Life...
In a year of low content, Rockstar wants Red Dead Online to feel like a ‘second life’
When you hop into Red Dead Online, do you feel like a cowboy? That, apparently, is the hope, at least according to new Gamesradar...
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is seemingly cracking down on orgs and ‘politics’ in-game
Back in October, we reported on a move by Joe Biden's presidential campaign to create an island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which was...
Global Chat: Why is LOTRO charging for its fall update?
Roger over at Contains Moderate Peril recently ducked into the upcoming DLC for Lord of the Rings Online to see what it contained and...
Second Life bans all in-game advertisements that are ‘political in nature’
Launching into political rants in global chat or hijacking the guild discussion to make everyone uncomfortable with views on election candidates is seen as...
Second Life developer Linden Lab has been acquired by an investment group
Fun trivia fact: The AOL blog that eventually became Massively actually started life as a Second Life blog back when Second Life was huge....