
Service service

Runes of Magic announces two new servers coming to the game

These days it seems like most of the news about servers in any MMO is about merges or closures. So it's nice to know...
Is that you, agony?

Wakfu launches Agony Unchained while outlining server merging plans

The latest update for Wakfu is off the chain. Or at least agony is off the chain, since it's literally titled Agony Unchained, strongly implying...

World of Warcraft plans more server connections for NA and EU realms

The trend (one might say spree) of realm connections for World of Warcraft rolls on. If you liked being on a nearly empty server? Well,...
Roast somebody.

World of Warcraft announces more low-population realm connections

Just like the next expansion is bringing players together with the dead in Shadowlands, the current server plans for World of Warcraft seem to...
Who taught you math?!

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has officially moved into its beta testing phase

The bells have tolled, the signal fires have been lit, and the time is upon us: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is now officially in...
Shoulder touch.

World of Warcraft plans to connect multiple low-population realms to higher-population ones over the next few months

Friendships! They're probably spectacular. Would you like to have some in World of Warcraft? The designers would like for you to have them, which...
This had better not have changed.

Blue Protocol’s beta test starts with delays, heavy demand, and some notable software scanning

The Blue Protocol beta finally started up! But it started up a bit later than expected because it turns out... lots of people wanted...
leave my dagron alone

Legends of Aria ran into major issues with its New Dawn patch, but it’s up now

Legends of Aria New Dawn update was meant to release yesterday, but you might have noticed that it didn't quite happen to plan. Last night...
We remember, to our detriment.

World of Warcraft: Classic has all servers down to one layer now

If you're still salty over the addition of layering to World of Warcraft: Classic, you have picked an odd hill to die upon. But you're...
Pack it in.

Legends of Aria details the process of moving house to the new merged Ethereal Moon server

Ready to pack it in and move servers in Legends of Aria? The new Ethereal Moon server beckons all players, but for players with houses...
Sort of draconic.

World of Warcraft’s new black market auction house goodies are unveiled

Ah, the sinister black market auction house in World of Warcraft. It's not quite like a normal auction house, but instead a place where players...
Bear with us!

Legends of Aria is merging Azure Sky and Verdant Earth today

The Azure Sky and Verdant Earth server clusters of Legends of Aria are merging today, as was promised at the end of August. The new...
You've seen my dog.

World of Warcraft: Classic adds four new realms while retail tests is anniversary Alterac Valley incarnation

The World of Warcraft: Classic hype train rolls on as the game continues to dominate streams on Twitch and also appears to be depopulating the...
Good car, bad game.

The Daily Grind: What would you be willing to transfer servers for in an MMO?

As I write this, we're knee-deep in the 24-hour maintenance for Final Fantasy XIV splitting up the North American datacenters. What will I do after...
Bye Felicia.

Final Fantasy XIV’s North American data center split requires maintenance on April 22

April 23rd is the official date for the split of the two North American data centers for Final Fantasy XIV into three, but players on...

Final Fantasy XIV preps for its European data center split starting on April 2nd

It's not the launch of the third Final Fantasy XIV expansion, but the splitting of the European and North American data centers is one of...
Calm. Cool. Relaxed.

Wurm Online addresses server lag and announces plans to move to Amazon Cloud Services

If you've been playing Wurm Online recently, you know that Independence (the server) has been lagging. It was lagging before February 7th, but that...

Final Fantasy XIV’s data center migration is happening in April

One of the big changes coming to Final Fantasy XIV along with the next expansion isn't really a matter of game mechanics; it's a change...
Found you!

Lost Ark addresses player questions on open beta connectivity issues

After what seems to be forever, Lost Ark is in testing right now in South Korea. Or launch, depending on how you look at...
Oh great.

ArcheAge prepares for a new round of ‘server evolutions’

What's this? ArcheAge's servers are evolving! But not into a bird, or a beetle, or some sort of bird-beetle with like fourteen stingers like...