

First Impressions: Monster Hunter Rise on PC enhances an already excellent stew

I’m not here to tell you that Monster Hunter Rise on PC is somehow a different game. It’s a port; you already can guess...
Actually call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: Some thoughts on the Microsoft acquisition of Activision-Blizzard

At this point, keeping up with what's going on with Activision-Blizzard is far more of an involved project than keeping up with World of...

Survival MMO Fractured Veil shows off new building pieces, outlines 2022 dev plans

Moving into the new year means that players of the survival MMO Fractured Veil will get to put together new houses, or at least...

Atlas introduces a new ship and the Great Temple monument in its latest patch

Nothing says "flex" quite like being part of a guild that has managed to build and own the only wonder that can be created...

Myth of Empires skirts the Steam DMCA takedown by selling the game directly

Apparently, Myth of Empires developer Angela Game is not going to let a little thing like being taken off of Steam and sued for...

Book of Travels shares some thoughts on in-development permadeath mechanics

We've seen the matter of permadeath in Book of Travels raised a few times in our very own comments section, and even though permadeath...

2016 lawsuit over CS:GO skin gambling gets thrown out on a technicality

The slow, grinding gears of the legal system has finally yielded a verdict in the last of a series of CS:GO lawsuits from 2016....

Martial arts survivalbox The Swordsmen X Survival details planned features as it eyes a 2022 launch

Last July, we wondered what happened to the Age of Wushu franchise, and in our digging around we came across The Swordsmen X: Survival,...

Element Quest is a side-scrolling MMO in the vein of Glitch and MapleStory

As we all know well, combining the elements of earth, water, fire, and air will summon either Captain Planet or a new 2D MMORPG...

Overprime is Netmarble’s third-person shooter MOBA that uses assets from the sunsetted Paragon

Before we dig into the meat of that headline, allow us to provide a little bit of history: Paragon, Epic Games' attempt at creating...

Massively Overthinking: The biggest 2021 MMO trainwrecks (almost) nobody noticed

Believe it or not, we're finally almost done with our entire lineup of turn-of-the-calendar-year content and recaps and tallies. It's exhausting! But I have...

Astroneer launches on Switch today, delivering space snail pets in xenobiology update

Happy Switch day to Astroneer: The cutesy multiplayer sci-fi survival sandbox officially lands on Nintendo's portable platform as of today, with a digital box...

Kickstarted VR MMORPG Zenith launches on Oculus, PSVR, and SteamVR January 27, with PC coming ‘later’

You might recall that Kickstarted MMORPG Zenith was already teasing an early 2022 launch when it hit beta back in December. Now we know...
Hmm. Appears I'm still alive.

PUBG is now a free-to-play title on PC and console with today’s update

Today marks an auspicious date in the lifespan of battle royale shooter PUBG. After its early access release in 2017 and a variety of...

Elyon adds the archer, balances all classes, and revamps RvR in today’s update

It's go-time for Kakao's Elyon: The Archer class is live with today's update. Readers will recall that Elyon, once called Ascent: Infinite Realm and developed...

Black Desert claims a 230% increase in new western daily players on PC thanks to class reboot

Back in December, Black Desert implemented a major reboot of all of its classes in the PC version of the game, alongside the launch...

Rust recounts 2021 updates and previews an arctic area coming soon

Last year was a pretty good one for Rust, at least by the devs' own account. The game took a little victory lap in...

Fight or Kite: Twisted Metal meets Mad Max in Crossout

Leaping over sand dunes and ramming my car into an unsuspecting opponent all while unloading my machine guns is the absolute height of car...

Whatever happened to ‘multi-user roguelike’ Apsis Online?

We've been covering the development trajectory of Apsis Online for some time now, from its first incarnation in 2019 to its design shift as...

Eternal Magic, infamous for alleged plagiarism, has sunsetted as of today

If you can stretch your brain all the way back to the long, long ago of 2019, you might recall that we saw the...