
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been hit by an MMO banhammer?

When I wrote the above question, I had to sit back for a long minute to think over the two-plus decades of my MMO...
Fair fights.

EVE Online rolls out faction war changes for testing

The latest changes to EVE Online's faction war system are not yet on the game's live server, but they are available for players to...

World of Warships offers free premium play, World of Warcraft doubles experience during the outbreak

If you're not used to being home a lot, you're probably a little twitchy right now and angling for something to do. Fear not:...

The Game Archaeologist: Shenmue Online

If you ever stumble across a Dreamcast enthusiast -- and believe me, they are everywhere -- on the forefront of their diatribe about how...
Do you really want to hurt me?

WoW Factor: The World of Warcraft expansion tour – Warlords of Draenor

Oh barf. Yes, folks, it... it had to happen. We had to get to this expansion. I know, none of us really want to. World of Warcraft...

GDC plans summer events as studios from Gamigo to Blizzard to Riot see player surges

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread here in the US and around much of the world, changing life for nearly everyone - even in...

Massively Overthinking: What MMO topics have you changed your mind on over the years?

On last week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I took a stab at answering a fun question from MOP reader and listener Pieter about...
I send-a the calzone into space! I don't pay-a the taxes! Oh!

Fallout 76’s free stuff, Population Zero’s giveaway, and Hearthstone’s private events

A very slight but real silver lining of the global situation is that many game studios are using this opportunity to throw all sorts...
It's neverending.

Final Fantasy XIV shares its latest Shadowbringers design video about the visuals of monsters and bosses

It can take about six months to get a larger boss enemy ready for deployment in Final Fantasy XIV, from concept art to a...
No belts

Fan-made video shows off the importance of online connections in Final Fantasy XIV

Let's be direct. Even if you have never played Final Fantasy XIV, you should probably watch this new short film from Toitoi Pictures entitled...

Desert Oasis: How Pearl Abyss can guarantee Shadow Arena succeeds

Hands down, Shadow Arena is my favorite battle royale. But just because I've written so many glowing words of accolades for the game does...

Perfect Ten: Original MMOs that never came to be

"What could have been" is a path that I travel frequently, especially when I write The Game Archaeologist column. It genuinely haunts me that...
Torgy torgy

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands gets another encrypted alpha build

If you're one of the World of Warcraft players eagerly awaiting more news about Shadowlands, you may be a bit nonplussed that the latest...

EVE Online players recount a $5000 ganking and its aftermath on the victim

How would you feel if you saw $5,000 worth of in-game assets blown to smithereens? That was what happened to one EVE Online pilot,...
Read it and... well, just read it.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 263: Cantha or bust

Justin and Bree discuss the coronavirus' impact on online gaming, Guild Wars 2's Cantha expansion and recent departures, WoW's essence switcharoo, Phantasy Star Online 2's open beta, Albion Online's roadmap, with adventures in WoW Classic, Elder Scrolls Online, and SWG Legends, and mailbag entries on so-called dead games and new engines for old MMOs.

Choose My Adventure: The end of the breadcrumb trail in Albion Online

Well, that didn’t take long. This week was all about following the rest of the breadcrumb trail in Albion Online to see where it led,...
Shoulder touch.

World of Warcraft details the acquisition of currency to buy rank 3 Essences on alts

It was announced last week that players in World of Warcraft would get account-wide access to rank 3 Essences following repeated insistence that this...
Through the woods.

Camelot Unchained’s latest mini-update is all about incoming testing and Devout classes

There's still work being done on Camelot Unchained right now, and it's the sort of work that requires some devotion. See, one of the...

The Daily Grind: What MMO are you playing instead of going out right now?

Whether you're practicing extreme social distancing or actually hunkered down within a quarantine zone, quite a lot of you are playing video games right...
Mean elf.

Blizzard’s Steve Danuser talks about the story development in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Very few people are trying to defend the story of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth at this point, with one of the more...