the elder scrolls online

Official Site: The Elder Scrolls Online
Studio: ZeniMax Online Studios/Bethesda Softworks
Launch Date: April 4, 2014
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Buy-to-play on PC as of March 17, 2015
Platform: PC, Mac; Xbox One and PS4 as of June 9, 2015

Massively Overthinking: Mixing and matching the best crafting systems in the MMO ‘verse

Longtime MOP reader Ken from Chicago recently asked us to talk about crafting - but he didn't want us to just list off the...
dot horse

Elder Scrolls Online previews the scripted pathing housing tool launching next week

Elder Scrolls Online's Stonethorn DLC is just a week away from its PC launch now, but if you're not enthused about the pair of...

Perfect Ten: 10 great tropical areas to visit in MMOs

Probably a lot of us aren't getting that fantastic summer beach vacation that we had hoped to get this year. But instead of getting...

First impressions and hands-on with Razer’s left-handed Naga MMO mouse

A little-known fact: I am one of the less than 10% of the world’s population who are left-handed. It’s not always convenient (those chairs...

Global Chat: Are MMO classes too similar to each other?

Blogger Yeebo Fernbottom has a beef with MMOs, and maybe you can relate. The issue, as the Yeebs sees it, is that in the...

The Elder Scrolls Online offers an in-depth peek at the Stone Garden dungeon

Alchemists. Can't live with 'em, can't have a slightly unsettling dungeon crawl without 'em. There's something about this particular line of fantastical scientific inquiry...
TI Header (Festivals)

Tamriel Infinium: Six more things to love about The Elder Scrolls Online

When I think back to my earliest days of gaming, sitting in front of a tiny TV set with the non-ergonomic 80s beauty of...

The Elder Scrolls Online shows off a Stonethorn gameplay trailer, goes free-to-play for a limited time

The all-digital Quakecon at Home event has come and gone for The Elder Scrolls Online, and along with all of the planned events for...

Elder Scrolls Online will launch on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X – with backward compatibility

Here's some good news for fans of Elder Scrolls Online with their eyes on the next-gen of consoles: ESO is pushing into the future...

The MOP Up: All Points Bulletin revs its engine upgrade

This past weekend, Little Orbit's All Points Bulletin ran its second open beta test as it prepares to roll out the huge Unreal Engine...

Jukebox Heroes: The ultimate guide to MMORPG music

It's been a long, strange, and wonderful journey to explore MMORPG music with you here in Jukebox Heroes. And while I am anticipating many...

Here’s what to expect from Elder Scrolls Online at QuakeCon 2020

With COVID-19 still raging around the country, Bethesda has turned this year's QuakeCon into a virtual event running August 7th through August 9th. Do...

The Soapbox: Powercreep in MMOs sucks – so how do we solve it?

We all love multiplayer, persistent world online games, don’t we? Players stay for the familiarity, nostalgia, and potential for years of enjoyment. Studios love...
Oh look.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs I was very wrong about

Here's a not-actually-very-secret bit of honesty about the industry that I have been working in for about a decade now: I am not actually...
This, uh. This was a thing.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 281: A Steamy summer

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR and Wurm Online launching on Steam, FFXIV's 5.3 patch, Phantasy Star Online 2's New Genesis, the Fable MMO rumor, Valiance Online, and Elder Scrolls Online on Stadia, with adventures in LOTRO, SWG Legends, and WoW, plus a mailbag topic on FFXIV's unskippable dungeons.

Choose My Adventure: How Dungeons and Dragons Online became my new favorite MMO

Week after week in this round of Choose My Adventure, I've been finding little things to love about Dungeons and Dragons Online and this...

Elder Scrolls Online plans live tests and major Cyrodiil changes to combat performance issues

If it seems like we've been talking about improved performance in The Elder Scrolls Online for a really long time, you're not nuts because...

Elder Scrolls Blades is adding new repeatable quests in its next update

There's certainly lots of quests to do in Elder Scrolls Blades already, but in the game's next update, there will be more of them....
Capital city.

The MOP Up: EVE Online’s Triglavian conflict comes to a head

The big conclusion of EVE Online's multipart Triglavian invasion is coming to a head with Quadrant 3: Zenith, which should hit soon. "Actions have consequences,"...

One Shots: Eyes on the prize

When you're such an amazing archer, you don't have to look at your target. When you're an expert at the bow, you can shoot...