
State of Decay 2 to gnaw lightly on your wallet this May

The multiplayer sequel to the 4.5 million-copies-sold zombie survival game State of Decay finally has a release date and a price. The good news?...

RuneScape goes deep sea fishing

Every MMO has fishing. Been there, angled that, am I right? But as of this week, RuneScape has taken this sport to the next...

Albion Online’s upcoming fishing system hopes to reel in casuals and hardcores alike

Fishing has become a hot topic in MMOs this week, thanks to the likes of RuneScape and Albion Online. The latter will see the...

Gaijin’s space MMO Star Conflict rolls out Journey update tailored to newbies

I was shocked to realize today just how long it's been since we covered Gaijin's Star Conflict - that's the rather well-loved but under-the-radar...

Go on a first-person tour of War of Rights’ Civil War battlefields

What would it have been to fight -- and perhaps die -- on one of the famous Civil War battlefields? The multiplayer War of...

Escape from Tarkov roadmap points to open beta and a more hardcore experience

With lots to do to get Escape from Tarkov ready for the upcoming open beta test, the development team has jettisoned its plans to...

Crowfall March Q&A video feels the walls closing in all around

You have questions and Crowfall's dev team has (some of the) answers. For example, "How are you going to keep me from getting killed...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s A Bug in the System

Today is the day we've been waiting for: After a short delay, episode 2 of Guild Wars 2's fourth Living World season, A Bug in...

The final part of Elsword’s 3rd job update lands tomorrow; check out the trailer!

KOG Games is launching the third and final part of its massive 3rd job update for anime MMORPG Elsword tomorrow, and we’ve got a brand-new exclusive video showing them...

Check out TERA’s console features preview video ahead of this weekend’s beta

Still pumped for TERA's Xbox One and PS4 launch this spring? En Masse sure is. The publisher has pushed out a new trailer today...

Shroud of the Avatar changes up trial program as it prepares for launch

With just a few weeks away left before its official launch, Shroud of the Avatar is going nuts in its home stretch. Portalarium is...

Devilian has officially sunsetted

At some point, the ending credits have to roll. And Devilian's have started as of 3:00 p.m. EST today. Devil transformations are now a thing...

The stream Team: An exclusive exploration of Ship of Heroes

Back in January, Massively OP's MJ got to tour Ship of Heroes while chatting with Heroic Games’ Founder Casey McGeever and Lead Developer Matt...

Extra Credits raises concerns over lootbox legislation

Just for the record, we are not the only ones engaged in the discussion and controversy surrounding lockboxes and lootboxes as of late. YouTube...

Here’s how Saga of Lucimia says it’ll ‘keep toxicity to an absolute minimum’

This week's dev-written Saga of Lucimia blog asks everybody over the age of 35 to think back to bygone days "when reputation used to...

Fractured is close to a funding deal, hints at upcoming spotlights

If the recent silence in Fractured's neck of the woods has troubled you, just remember that sometimes quiet can mean good as well as...

Em-8ER lands Firefall’s composer, works on demo

So what has Mark Kern's Em-8ER been up to these past couple of months? The team shared the latest news about the giant mech...

The MOP Up: Closers chooses its next character (March 4, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

GoVenture World takes the MMO to business school

After you've put in a long day in your cubicle working for The Man, why not come home, kick off your shoes, and unwind...

The Stream Team: Watch and win Wild Terra!

If you were sad that you missed out on winning a copy of Wild Terra earlier this week, you've got another chance now! Massively...