
See: Wargaming

SuperData March 2020: Digital games spending sets achieves new highs thanks to COVID-19

Back in in March, when SuperData was discussing February's monthly gaming revenue numbers, the analysis firm noted that COVID-19 hadn't yet had much impact...
This... should be fine.

From the Depths: Hands-on with World of Warships’ epic submarine patch

Few things in World of Warships are as polarizing as submarines. For every player excited at the possibility of playing the stealthy assassins, there...

World of Tanks begins early 10th birthday festivities, celebrates 160M registered players

Damn, somehow I hadn't internalized quite how old World of Tanks is, but it's true: It's been just about nine years since the game...

The Stream Team: World of Tanks turned nine

World of Tanks has rolled through nine years of battle, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to commemorate the occasion, tank style. There are...

The MOP Up: Elder Scrolls Online’s daughter of giants

The countdown is on for Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. One of the characters that you will bump into in Skyrim is Lyris Titanborn, a...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 266: Feline fine for April Fools

Justin, Bree, Carlo, and Ben discuss April Fools, Elyon, Elder Scrolls Online, Black Desert, RuneScape, City of Heroes, World of Warships, SWG Legends, LOTRO, WoW Classic, Legends of Aria, shortie races, and gaming disorder.

Massively Uplifting: Cake, coloring, and EVE Online’s PLEX4Good COVID-19 relief

The news this past month has been infected with the novel coronavirus. It's everywhere we turn, and we can't escape it even if we...

World of Warships’ exercises and recipes, World of Tanks’ overhaul, and War Thunder’s movie set

Welp, here's something I've never seen before: An online game is offering up workouts and recipes that players can do from home while under...
Thanks, I hate it.

SuperData February 2020: Fortnite returns to the top 10 as analysts predict COVID-19 impacts

SuperData is back with another monthly report on the state of the games industry's revenue, unbowed and unbent from its tussle with Epic Games...

World of Warships offers free premium play, World of Warcraft doubles experience during the outbreak

If you're not used to being home a lot, you're probably a little twitchy right now and angling for something to do. Fear not:...

The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot widens its F2P doorway

St. Patty's day is alive and kicking in Dark Age of Camelot through next Wednesday, but the big news here is that Broadsword is...
The centaur iPad is really overpowered.

Guild Wars 2 Game Director Mike Zadorojny and VP of Marketing Mike Silbowitz left ArenaNet

We've updated this post at the end with confirmation of the Mike Z departure. We hate to rain on the "wheee Guild Wars 2 is...
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The MOP Up: Fortnite’s players are spending more money than ever

Don't think that the Fortnite craze has settled down quite yet. According to a new survey, player spending in the game is higher than...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about MMO cross-promotions?

Whether it's sanctioned or not, the tradition of MMOs taking any opportunity to draw upon the popularity of other entertainment mediums has been around...

Massively Uplifting: DragonCon announces official charity, more studios support Australian wildfire relief

This past month has been filled with its share of dark news, not the least of which is the coronavirus that is plaguing the...

Visions of N’Zoth boosted World of Warcraft subs, but it’s lost tons since WoW Classic’s 2019 peak

SuperData's January 2020 games industry revenue rankings are up, with only mild shakeups since December 2019. On the PC side, Red Dead Redemption 2 dropped...
Not so much.

The MOP Up: Runes of Magic helps you catch up

You might or might not be aware that last December, Runes of Magic rolled out new "catch up" servers that allow players to level...

Battle Bards Episode 162: Mystery abounds

Do you love a good mystery? A hidden secret? A riddle wrapped in an enigma and presented on a platter of puzzle? Then you’re...

Perfect Ten: When celebs crossed paths with MMOs

Even as the world continues to turn to and normalize gaming as a respectable hobby, there's still a lingering stigma of playing online titles...
It's just silly.

The MOP Up: SWTOR’s subscription tauntauns smell great on the outside

For all who subscribe to Star Wars: The Old Republic, there's a new gift waiting for you under your seat. You get a tauntaun!...