We’re back in business as the brand-new Massively OP Podcast, and hosts Bree and Justin spend the hour bringing you up to speed on their gaming, the new website, MMO news, and listener emails. Join us for our maiden voyage!
Show notes:
- Adventures in MMOs
- Website and Kickstarter update
- News: SOE becomes Daybreak
- News: World of Warcraft still over 10 million subscribers
- News: Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns expansion
- Mailbag: Pets and AI
- Mailbag: First year of subscriptions are now early access?
Other info:
- Podcast theme: “Sanctum Sprint” from Guild Wars 2
- Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Player FM, and Pocket Casts
- Follow Massively Overpowered: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitch
- If you’re having problems seeing or using the web player, please check your flashblock or scriptblock settings.
- Stitcher link coming soon!