Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review!
Daybreak dominated the headlines during MOP’s first week back online, with layoffs, resignations, and DDOS attacks that had former devs defending the team and players hoping for reassurance. Our own MJ Guthrie discussed the fate of SOE Live, and Jef Reahard pondered F2P’s impact on the studio.
Read on for a look at the rest of this week’s top MMO stories.
- The Repopulation now offers $20 early access
- The EFF wants to exempt some emulated game servers from copyright laws
- Star Citizen is adding progression to its dogfight module
- World of Warcraft’s graphics are due for improvements in patch 6.1
- Guild Wars 2 showed off stronghold gameplay
- The 10 best MMO pet classes
- Elder Scrolls Online’s road ahead is paved with… virtual currency
- Nexon continued to pressure NCsoft as its largest shareholder
- Trove takes to the skies in a new patch
- Star Trek Online swapped executive producers
- Skyforge demoed character creation and a zone panorama
- Atari announced a new MMO called Asteroids: Outpost
- NCsoft’s quarterly financials painted a grim picture for WildStar
- Crowfall will be buy-to-play with an optional sub
- The Soapbox: Facing an industry of change
Finally, we reintroduced several columns and features this week: Wisdom of Nym (formerly The Mog Log), EverQuesting (formerly Norrathian Notebook), The Massively OP Podcast (formerly Massively Speaking), The Soapbox, Perfect Ten, The Daily Grind, One Shots, and WRUP. There’s plenty more to come, so stay tuned!