Star Citizen added the Merlin and the Scythe to its dogfighting module today, courtest of the 1.1.5 patch. The dev team also upped the number of players supported by Battle Royale and Squad Battle modes to 16 and made various balance tweaks aimed at retaining momentum, which means that combat now “skews a little further toward planning an attack and reacting against your opponent.”
Cloud Imperium also published an article about Star Citizen’s soundscape, presenting its first iteration of Wwise audio for the game and saying that it has “spent some months first migrating our content from our previous middleware solution, then refactoring and reengineering how audio is implemented within CryEngine.” It’s a bit of a tech-head article, and CIG notes that terms like pipeline, workflow, and iteration are to be expected.
Finally, CIG released a video called Game Commander which presents an informal look at creator Chris Roberts‘ day-to-day activities. You can view that after the cut.