In a new and very lengthy interview with Polygon, Chris Roberts fields a wide range of questions about the development and delays of Star Citizen. He points out to fans that he’s been working on the title non-stop for three years now and is proud of the progress and communication being put out by the team.
“I’m personally working harder than I ever worked in my life, including going back to the early days doing the first Wing Commander,” Roberts said. “I find it very challenging. It’s a bit like being a politician. Not only are you trying to develop a game and run multiple studios with a lot of different people, but we’re also being open and keeping the community informed of everything we do, while we have work that is out there and being improved upon all the time.”
Roberts assured fans that the studio is being fiscally responsible and is in no danger of running out of money. He mentioned frustration with the impatience and negativity from some corners, saying that he can’t win when it comes to delays: “I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I don’t. I have some backers saying, don’t give me dates. Make it right. Don’t rush it. And then I have some people go, where is the game? I want to play it right now. My opinion on the issue is, people want a great game. No one’s backed this to have something rushed out.”
Derek Smart’s public feud with Roberts and Star Citizen was mentioned, too. Apparently Cloud Imperium has responded to Smart’s lawyers but decided not to make the details of that conversation public.
As for Smart himself, Roberts commented, “The reason why we have chosen not to engage him and tried to take the high road is that he’s the kind of person with nothing to lose, that will carry on no matter what facts are put in front of him and has made it his mission to try and tear down Star Citizen.”