ArenaNet’s Matt Pennebaker has posted an introduction on Reddit that details his work on Guild Wars 2’s legendary weapons and crafting bugs. Pennebaker writes that he and his small team will be fixing legendary crafting bugs including various blockers as well as issues that “encourage toxic play or interactions.” No collectible should be gated behind failed events, Pennebaker says, and he also implores Guild Wars 2 players to report issues since the team actively reads Reddit and the game’s forums.
In terms of legendary weapons, Pennebaker teases that yes, ArenaNet is working on them but no, the firm will not discuss them at the moment.
[Source: Reddit; thanks Xephyr!]New legendary weapons! The good news: yes, we are working on them. The bad news: no, I cannot tell you any more about them. Sorry, some things just need to be a secret.