WildStar patched in a quick update yesterday, with tweaks to multiple classes, the housing interface, and quests. Reddit can’t decide whether it’s grumpy about reskins or stoked for the new Madame Fay’s Fortunes rewards, but of note are tweaks to the game’s PvP matchmaking.
“The matchmaking formula has been updated so that it takes longer for players in pre-made groups to be matched up against groups of solo-queue players. Previously, the rating offset for groups was very small–that offset has now been made much larger. Those groups can still face each other in a match, the system will now simply take longer seeking a closer matchup before doing so.
The Season 2 cosmetic gear is no longer rating gated. Instead, players can now earn Gladiator’s Marks by completing a new weekly quest. This quest requires players to win Arena matches, Battlegrounds or Warplot matches. Warplots and Arenas will give much more progress toward completion than Battlegrounds.”
The cash shop also has a new tutorial quest and achievement. YouTuber Ox put together a video run-down of the patch, which you can check out below.